That is happening A LOT. Particularly in New York City where friends tell me on a regular basis about congregations being dissolved. Its happening primarily in the English.
Congregations Closing Down
by choosing life 30 Replies latest jw friends
frozen one
I remember when I was in high school a church closed its doors. The congregation buzzed that the closing of the church was the beginning of the collapse of christendom. As I said I was still in high school. You know, young and dumb. I tossed out the idea that the church closed because the days of 12 kid families was pretty much over and what kids families had didn't stick around the family farm opting instead for college or city jobs and that was the reason the church was shuttered. This idea was dismissed as crazy talk. A couple of years later the congregation was told that our little kingdom hall was being closed as there were not enough people attending. Changing demographics was cited as the reason for dwindling attendance at the hall, not the collapse of christendom.
The Middleton Mass congregation...formed in 1960 ...recently shut its doors and the remaining pubs were merged into the Peabody Mass hall (about 5 miles away). Long story...essentially the elders in Middleton destroyed the R&F and the Hall...wanted to build a nw KH, but bungled the deal...regional bldg committee was no help at all in resolving any matters...elder attitudes coause some to fall away...other rwhole families moved to other congs...a real mess...Jah's celestial chariot isn't running on all 8 cylinders here for sure...
The Bay Park congregation was recently disbanded. The PO said, "People are moving away because it's hard to afford living here, NOT because they were all leaving the truth." And that struck me as sort of odd that he needed to say that. Even if he's telling the truth, it just gives me the impression that he's covering for something...
Praise Jah for the blessing of a closing kingdumb hall.
congregation we originally went to when we moved to this part of the country is being assimilated or is part of similating two other congregations. Seems like people we know who were originally members told us they we told that they and two other congregations would be reduced to two or maybe even one congregation due to lack of bro's and sis's. the #'s are way down and they have to incorportate the congregations together to make them look better. I just loved hearing that news, makes me think that Jah is really sifting the sinners (heh heh).
Hall I used to attend had two congregations, now there are so few dubs left in that town they consolidated into one congregation and moved into a new hall the next town over.
And.. Welcome JUNI P... I noticed that was your first post, reading is fun, participating is better! :)
Has anybody compared the number of congregations this year versus the last few to see if they have been reduced significantly? I live in Palm Beach County also a huge, growing county, and live 100 yards from the kingdom hall and have seen NO apparent change in the number of people going there. I know they were thinking about building another one about 7 miles from here but havent seen it yet.
Country Girl
My family member's congregation is splitting at the seams; they have four or five congregations going there. The majority of them are Spanish. They are building another Kingdom Hall. I wonder how much this is affected by larger Mexican immigrant populations? I've heard other things from them about Spanish congregations becoming much larger in Southern Texas towns/cities.
c.t.russel the IVth
hate to say this but the major influx of new 'bodies' into the religion in USA/Canada are immigrants. many Asians who just want to learn Engrish and then take off. Of course these are looked upon as the vast numbers of 'new ones' from god-forsaken China where they were unable to learn about Jeehoobah. My mother is always telling me about the many man new ones studying in her hall but they are nostly these migrant Chinese.