It reminds me so much of the JW's.
Has anyone seen the movie "The Village"?
by megsmomma 21 Replies latest jw friends
Me too, megs. We've discussed it before in this forum. I saw it just a couple of months before I came to realize the WTS isn't the favored channel I always thought it was. For weeks after seeing it I'd make comparisons privately.
yeah me too!
i especially remember having that moment myself when the girl realizes "worldly" people arent evil but can be kind. it was weird to watch being an ex jw.. the isolation , not questioning elders etc.. -
Yes, I must admit I watched it while still a JW and found the comparisons to be quite disturbing! Especially the keeping everyone away from anyone who believed differently.
Weird ending, but really good film.
LOL....and here I thought I made a brilliant parallel!! I guess it IS kind of obvious!
The ambiguous nature of The Village is what really makes that film good for me. Were the village elders justified in living in a commune, and lying to their kids? By withdrawing from the world, were they improving things for themselves and their children? Especially, were they justified in scaring the living hell out of everyone, with things they knew were not true? What about the high price they paid? Their kids died of treatable diseases, because they wanted to be "no part of the world." Where those sacrifices "worth it?" And was the end a happy, or a sad ending?
Most significantly, their kids are going to find out the lie one day, and be responsible for either upholding it for THEIR children, or giving up on it. How will their children judge them, on that inevitable day?
And yes, the parallels to any exclusive, insular sect (like the Witnesses) are abundant. -
Isnt that the way the Amish live?
I seen the movie, but I don't remember all the details. What was the color red supposed to signify? Why were the people so afraid of the color red?
Chills ran up an down my spine when I watched this movie.
Yes...reminds me of the JW's.............hugely
Great movie, one of my faves. The color red signified "bad", it was the forbidden color that drove the beasts out of their territory into the village. The colors were like "invisible boundries".