What would you say is the main reason why people didn't listen to us?

by JH 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • AnonyMouse

    People have a natural resistance to bullshit, unless they conciously override it, or suffer some sort of trauma that makes them more inclined to join such a cult, or have some sort of mental problem.

    People don't listen to me at the door. They don't even know I'm there, cuz I only fake like I'm ringing thier doorbell.

    And I always pass off the door if I can feel someone in there.

  • SusanHere

    When JW's came to our door, they were robotic, with small, artificial smiles, looking and sounding like bad actors in a high school play. They always gave me the chills. Reminded me of the reptiles in the zoo.

    There was one who used to come knocking and my mother would sometimes invite her in. This JW was seriously overweight and grateful for a place to sit for an hour or two. She was never in any hurry to leave. My mother was lonely so was glad for the company, as long as she could keep the conversation away from religion.

    Funny, the JW didn't seem to mind spending an hour or more every week or two NOT discussing religion and NOT knocking on any more doors.

    One time the JW brought a companion who insisted on sharing in great detail what was going to happen REALLY SOON to anyone who wasn't JW. I was frightened by the terrifying mental pictures created, to the point of suggesting maybe we should go to their church and hear more so it wouldn't happen to us.

    Luckily for me, my mother merely laughed and said, "Oh, they've been saying that since I was a little girl!" My fear evaporated, never to return.

    Years later, when my sister became a JW, she was divorced for the second time, with two young children, living on welfare, far from family, without a high school diploma or means of independent support, no real future, and a past that had been anything but happy. The message of a JW-style paradise must have looked awfully good.

    Sadly, she still is one, but if they knew the things she now says and writes to me, she'd be booted out.

    I have hope.


  • PoppyR
    Funny, the JW didn't seem to mind spending an hour or more every week or two NOT discussing religion and NOT knocking on any more doors.

    How true is this! When I pioneered we'd have 'cup of tea' calls that we knew would talk for an hour or so, make us a drink, preferably bring cake and then right before we went, we'd talk about the mags for about a minute and we'd all be embarassed! I always HATED the service. I used to feel sorry for the people being polite enough to listen.

    Unfortunately I can say I have one still baptised from my years of preaching, I did actually get 3, but one has since died, and one fallen away. The only comfort I take from it, is that when I called on her, she was an alcoholic and suicidal, and the Borg seems to have given her some meaning in life!


  • katiekitten

    I used to tell myself that no-body listened for the same reason that millions of people didnt listen to the smoking advice, they know its the truth but they are indifferent until something significant actually happens to them.

    I would amend that thought slightly now - they dont know its the truth and they are indifferent to finding out because (a) everyone has real busy lives (b) if you found something out it might mean having to do something about it.

    Also id say lots of people dont give a toss about anything - global warming, animal extinction, chemical poisoning of the food chain and water system, child labour, genocide. Its all too much, what can we do, I have my own issues to deal with. Most people are happy to live at a very basic level, eat, shag, work, sleep, watch telly.

    I definately dont think, for most people, that not listening is based on any intelligent consideration. Its based on the fact that they have an 11yr olds playground aversion to 'weirdos'. I respect people who have decided its a crock because they have looked into it. I dont respect people who have decided its a crock purely by accident, because they dont want to be seen talking to happy clappys.

  • Undecided

    They were smarter than I was. Allthough about 1/4 of the congregation was the result of my preaching.

    Ken P.

  • Honesty
    What would you say is the main reason why people didn't listen to us?

    Most homes in my area are new and include smoke and BS detectors. until the "faithless Indiscreet slave" invents a good jamming device to override these detectors most JW's will continue to be sent on their miserable way.

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