Losing the Internet today...

by AuldSoul 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • AuldSoul

    Just wanted to let everyone know, until I get an ISP at home again I will only be posting as often as I go to the Public Library to use their computers.

    If anyone needs/wants to get in touch with me, I have made sure Big Tex has my contact information. I trust his judgment on who to pass it along to. You can also send me a PM here, but I am not sure how often I will be checking them.

    I have deeply appreciated all the insights I have gained from discussions with you people, and I hope I have provoked some new or different thoughts as well. I consider many of you friends and I don't think of any of you as enemies. I will miss intense discussions about everything that end in nothing. These have been very therapeutic for me.

    I will miss keeping up with the latest gossip, the latest successes, the newest posters who finally stopped lurking, the latest reasoning points for JW doctrines, the latest textual analysis by Leolaia or Narkissos, the latest comments from blondie and contributors to her threads on the latest Watchtower study article. By the time I check, these will be buried under several pages of newer latest posts. This forum is very active and has depth and diversity I have rarely (if ever) seen on other forums. It truly seems our one common denominator is having been in some way affected by Jehovah's Witnesses. Collectively, this forum is powerful.

    If I have offended anyone, I am sorry. If I have been offended by anyone, I forgive you.

    Some have implied that my closing posts "Respectfully" was trite. Since I know my reasons for using that closing, I can assure you all I have never used it without thinking first about whether I wanted to use it. Its use is not trite, it is intended and genuine. I will likely post very rarely until I get another ISP, but I will try to at least lurk and keep up with what is going on with everyone. Thank you all.


  • Narkissos

    Sorry to hear that.

    I pm you my e-mail address.

  • restrangled

    Hey Auldsoul, you are the second person today saying we won't see much of them anymore. I always enjoyed your posts and hopefully will see more.

    Best regards,


  • Dansk

    Missing you already! - So get an ISP quickly!!


  • Clam


    Hurry back Auldsoul. You're one of my favourites.



  • Legolas

    Like Dansk said...We miss you already!

    Is it that hard to switch companies down there?

    Hurry back..... your one of my favorites!

  • Abaddon

    Take care AuldSoul; you have an interesting angle on things

  • Sunspot

    NOOOOO! Say it isn't so! (((((Brandon))))

    I will miss you terribly.....I think you know how very much I think of you and your posts!

    with a sad heart,

    hugs always,


  • greendawn

    Hopefully it won't be long before you reconnect at home.

  • bebu

    Why not get a job in the library...?

    It bites for all of us that you will be offline for a bit. We are definitely going to notice your absence in the meanwhile!!!!



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