Questions="dishonest baiting"?

by Julie 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • siegswife

    LOL Although I have to agree that I would be hard pressed to kill any of my bratty kids, I try not to judge God. He must've judged them to be bad seed.
    It's funny, but I was just having a conversation today with a good friend who is having problems with her adult daughter. She told me of a time when her daughter was a teenager and they got into an argument. Apparently my friend had bought her daughter a pair of boots that didn't meet the spoiled girls expectations. She threw one of the boots at my friend and hit her hard on the back. My friend, although 4 foot nothing and 100 lbs soaking wet, knocked her down and put a gun in her face. She told her that if she ever hit her again she'd blow her brains out. Now, while I might agree that is a bit extreme, it still remains that there are quite a few people who think that fear is a good deterent. You know the saying, "I brought you into this world, and I can darn sure take you out."

  • Seeker

    That saying, and that anecdote, are classic cases of child abuse. I'd like to think a God of love is above this sort of dysfunctional behavior.

  • Teirce

    What fucked me up was Lot offering his two beautiful daughters. How is a pubescent male JW supposed to take that? Hurtful.

    Rex says, "Furthermore, you are dishonest and heartless even in that respect, because you offer those leaving the WBTS nothing except a six foot hole at the end of a pointless life." - You sound misanthropic, Rex. Those who have nothing have everything to gain, that's how we developed mythology. Anyone who rationally stares mortality in the face is free to contrive their own, Personally Approved spiritualities that aren't designed to rape them of their true potential. THAT is what is offered to anyone who walks out of the JWs - not to be raped anymore. And offering this as a starter is bad?

  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire


    I think that was a rather poor illustration(gun to daugther's head).
    I think your trying too hard to make a point.

    Why not just be honest and say,"we don't alway know why God does this or that".
    Sometimes it's just a matter of faith he's right in what he does.

    If someone lived a trillion X longer than you, and had a billion X more reasoning ability would he come to the same conclusions as you?
  • sawthelight

    all loving god

    only in writings of peter and paul.

  • siegswife

    You think I'm trying to hard to make the point. What point is it that you think I was trying to make? I was simply stating that there are people who think that they would be justified to kill there own kids if the kids went too far. In my friends case, she was trying to put fear in her daughter because her daughter was being physically abusive to her. Someone called that child abuse. Was my friend wrong for wanting to defend herself from her child, who was bid enough to kick her ass? Are you judging her? It sounds like atheists can be a bit judgmental. I find that to be a bit strange. What is the basis of your judgment? Do you think that you are superior to other people or something?

  • tdogg

    Umm okay then. I wont even address siegswifes comments, just smile and back slowly away.....

    Does anyone ever consider that these old test. stories were written after the fact in order to explain certain events? EX: A three day pestilance occurs and to explain rationally the author tells a tale of a disobediant king who gets to choose from one of 3 possible fates.
    This kind of writing is also evident in greek mythology. EX: A terrible calamity befalls a city or a person and the author will explain how a god or some gods were involved in causing or directing the event usually through some interaction with humans.

    Just observations.

  • Teirce

    Old news, Tdogg. Skeptics (people that use science exclusively) have been deconstructing miracles and acts of god for centuries. But welcome to the club, it's liberating and fearless.

    Here's a quick link I found on the Great Flood.

    There's interesting stories for the parting of the Red Sea, the burning bush, manna and the pillar of fire.

  • Julie

    Siegswife--I think that story is terrible. Think about this--that girl wasn't born violent. After reading the story it doesn't take a genius to figure out where the girl learn to deal with things in a violent manner. I'm one of those people who thinks there is a better way to teach kids to deal with things than violence. I don't consider such thinking superior so much as I consider it more enlightened, civilized and achievable by all who are interested in making the effort. Apparently your friend didn't realize this or didn't bother to make the effort. While we cannot know one thing we do know, your friend is producing a young adult who will go into the world with the idea that the way to deal with differences or difficulties is violence. That is where it costs everyone in society. That is the cost to us to for lack of good parenting skills.


    It is my firm believe that these OT accounts are written after the fact and are used to justify human barbarity. There is no other acceptable explanation, IMO.


    I think you would enjoy the story of Judges 19:15-30. Here we have a guy who follows up on the offer of sacrificing a woman when the crowd demands his visitor. This woman is the visitor's concubine, she is basically raped to death throughout the night, her master finds her dead on the doorstep come morning. He takes her home and cuts her up into twelve pieces and has her body parts distributed throughout the region. Sick shit, eh? I can't believe there are folks who can, with a straight face, insist this is to be considered, without question a part of this book of "enlightenment"--the bible. I can imagine the volumes of gibberish Rex could post in defense of this garbage.


  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire


    You need help!

    If someone lived a trillion X longer than you, and had a billion X more reasoning ability would he come to the same conclusions as you?

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