So much for the elders being a safe place in a storm a craig to cover and protect us. Ha! Demigods. The first time I called out an elder I was already on the way out and didnt care what he thought about me. He had lost his wife to a heart attack and was REMARRIED to a WORLDLY WOMAN within a week! And nobody in the hall knew but the OTHER ELDERS for an entire year! and he was all about "waiting on Jehovah" and "avoiding the world" and all that bs...I told him flat out that because he lied to us all and deceived us, that he and his ILK were the reason I was leaving the organization and he could LIVE WITH THAT KNOWLEDGE.
The other time I was already out and an elder and his wife had sent my kids presents and I had summarily put them under our Xmas tree because the kids wanted to see presents under the tree. (it was early Dec.) And the elder called and wanted to know if it was true what he heard, that I had "put their presents under my tree" and he was SOOOOO condescending and SOOOOO saccarin and SOOOOO trying to lord it over me when he talked and I unloaded both barrels on him that under NO CIRCUMSTANCES would he ever speak to me like that again and that he might think he was God allfuckingmighty within his little congregation but to me he was just another sniveling self important cult monger and I wasnt going to take his or anybody elses shit any more. And that if he wanted any contact with my kids again...he'd take me deadly seriously. And I havent heard a peep matter what grumbling he did after that...I didnt hear it and I said exactly what I wanted to say without reservation about sanctions and punishment.
Damn it felt good :)