NJ Recognizes Same-Sex Unions
by lonelysheep 14 Replies latest social current
....and Armegeddon is NOT near, ok!!
A few years ago, I would've took this as a bad sign. Now, I'm glad.
YAY! That just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
~luv, jojo
I'm gay and these sorts of decisions worry me. Courts making a top-down decision rams it down people's throats and gives the right wingers lots of anti-gay ammo. The preferred way, in my opinion, is to change people's hearts and minds and then get the laws changed.
Lonleysheep, are you really happy about this??
I guess it's time to leave New Jersey eh?
Im gay also but I dont believe people's hearts and minds are going to change much. If people had to wait for that to happen before change comes along, there still would be lots of places where blacks would have to go through the back door in restaurants to order carry out and not even be allowed to dine in like back in the 60s in restaurants where my mother worked.
In Arkansas there was a law struck down by the courts (a law that banned gays from being foster parents) No gays can be foster parents and the governer here is still trying to find a way to prevent gays from taking in children in and providing care to them, children who have nobody and nobody wants.
Most civil rights that any minority has now were provided by laws or court rulings and not by popular vote.
This is encouraging. I hope to see this happen state by state over the next few years. I agree that some people are never going to change their thinking and hearts on the gay issues. I also feel that until children are raised seeing gay neighbors, couples and families, being gay will seem abnormal to many and negative feelings about homosexuality will only be perpetuated.
inactive in jersey
wow! i live in jersey and i didn't even know that.
Huh, and the world didn't end? What gives?