So far, I've had 1 true freind (not counting my internet freinds, of course!)
I say true freind, because I could tell him ANYTHING. We talked about all the things teenage boys talk about, and had fun doing it. I wasn't at all concerned about telling him my secrets. In fact, I told him several.
I think back to those days, and my main problem these days: Trust. I took it for granted back then. "Of course, he's my best freind, I can TRUST him."
One day, I gets a phone call. He then informs me that he went to the elders and told them EVERYTHING. Not only about me, but everyone he knows, even going so far as to make stuff up about my family. As I talked to him, for the first time in my life, I couldn't speak due to shock. He told me that if I didn't tell my mom that we had looked at certain "things" on the internet, that his parents WOULD.
I spent the next few hours before mom came home in the worst sense of dread I've ever had. I just knew I was going to be killed or maimed.
So mom comes home. I didn't talk to her like I usually did, and she asks me what's wrong. I blow her off, trying to get up my courage, and eventually tell her.
I'd like to take credit for twisting her mind, but she came up with her own reasoning: "That terrible boy twisted my son into looking at things like that!"
For the next two months, I cowered in fear at every ring of the phone. And for another 6 after that, I always got worried at the phone ringing. Thankfully, the call never came.
There was already a rift forming between our familys. And this severed our final ties.
I found out recently that he's DF'd or something. He came to our meeting. I of course, couldn't talk to him. Not because of the DFing, but because of what he'd done.
I want to patch things up, as I like having freinds. But I just can't trust him. He'd be useless to me. I did wave to him as we left, and I hope he knows I don't hate him.
Currently, I have no 'true' freinds. I have a few freinds that I love playing video games with, but I'd never talk to them about my secrets. I'm forced to supplement with internet freinds. While not being able to see them in the flesh, our conversations are just as real.