So often, you see people all up in arms because it is revealed that an individual is "gay". Do you really care?? Personally, I don't. But now many homosexual activists are pushing for the right to marry and also be given the same benefits are hetero couples.....My opinion is that "marriage" was intended to be a union of a male and a female........What's your opinion here???
Do You Really "Care" If Someone's Gay Or Not???
by minimus 76 Replies latest jw friends
I think that gay marriage should be between a man and a woman... lol
I personally do not care whom a person has a sexual relationship with. It never bothered me as a Dub (much to my PO father's chagrin), and it doesn't bother me as a post-Dub. I have known many gay and lesbian persons, and I have both positive and negative feelings about those people. It's the same as having positive and negative feelings about straight people too.
As far as marriage, no, I am not one that agrees with gay "marriage." I think that that is for a male & female only. I do believe in "civil unions," however. In fact, I believe that there should be no "marriages" performed by the state, only "civil unions." I believe that "marriage" should be something that is instituted by the church, and that each church should have the authority to "marry" those they choose to "marry."
Let the stone throwing begin, lol.
"Intended" by who?
Any why shouldn't two same sex adults be able to willingly enter into a legal relationship to allow each other the same legal protections as straight marriages?
I couldn't care less about a person's sexual orientation. Whatever floats their boat. I doubt my gay friends are going to hit me up for a romp any more often than my straight friends do. (So... never) ;-)
As for gay marriage, I can't see what difference it makes whether two people are straight or gay, marriage is marriage. It sounds like saying "Tall People Marriage" or "Blonde Marriage" -- a weird way to label it.
I would wonder why anyone that would support "tall people marriage" would be against "gay marriage"?
But now many homosexual activists are pushing for the right to marry and also be given the same benefits are hetero couples
I think it's unfortunate that any benefits are tied to what happens in the bedroom. I'm "straight". I used to be married. My ex will not associate with me because of religion. Now, if I were to get a terminal illness, and if I were lucky enough to have a good friend to care for me during my last days, why should someone who shuns me for years get money out of my pension while the person who changed my diapers gets nothing? If I am paying in to the pension, why do I have no voice in designating a beneficiary?
Personally, I don't think what happens or doesn't happen in the bedroom should ever enter the equation.
"Intended" by our Founding Fathers, who based most of the law's lands on the good old Bible.
Any why shouldn't two same sex adults be able to willingly enter into a legal relationship to allow each other the same legal protections as straight marriages?
Good question and is the basis of the debate over gay marriage. I see no reason why two gay individuals in a committed relationship should not be given the same rights, responsibilities, and liablities as a straight couple.
I would wonder why anyone that would support "tall people marriage" would be against "gay marriage"?
I support gay marriage but I am against "tall people marriage." So, explain that.
Intended by our founding fathers? The country's founding fathers created the federal government, which has no role in the legal entity of marriage. Marriage is a state issue.
Marriage existed far before the United States government. In fact, marriage existed before government. It's when government got involved that defining marriage had become something for the rest of us to worry about. Government should take a passive role, not authorizing or blessing marriages, but simply recognizing them. Government doesn't go around authorizing and licensing baptisms - why does one need to get a license to get married?