Do You Really "Care" If Someone's Gay Or Not???

by minimus 76 Replies latest jw friends

  • BrendaCloutier

    I don't care at all unless that person uses their sexuality to remain a victim, or as a weapon. I'm for gay marriage and full socio-political rights. If you don't believe in gay marriage, don't marry one!

  • JWdaughter

    I don't care if they are gay. Lately, it seems that celebrities are jumping on the 'gay' bandwagon. That is kind of making me wonder. Not about Ellen, but revelations that "yes, I am gay" from a person I have never heard of before. . .ok, so what?

    If they want to marry, that is their business. Why shouldn't gay people be stuck like the rest of humanity in legal relationships that are knotty and complex? I wish anyone well who can make a successful go of any relationship in the long term. I envy that and admire it.

  • minimus

    What celebs are on the "gay bandwagon"???

  • Ms. Whip
    Ms. Whip
    why shouldn't two same sex adults be able to willingly enter into a legal relationship to allow each other the same legal protections as straight marriages?

    A brief look into famous gay couples shows that they can and do last just as long as straight couples. Some as long as 50 or 60 years.

    Over that time you build a life of joined assets. It seems reasonable that even some sort of "legal relationship" clause (like common law marriage) be given to these couples as a finacial and legal protection. Many of these couples are adopting children or using donor eggs/sperm. These children need legal/financial/familial protection as well.


    Justin I do see your point but you misunderstood mine, why do they need it labeled marriage?? As far as I'm concerned marriage can be renamed to domestic partnership since legally thats what it is a contract. You see what I am saying? If its as if they want the approval of people by calling it legally marriage when in reality they dont need to justify the union to anyone. Thats what I was saying...

  • minimus

    It is said that God originated "marriage" in Eden. I'm not so sure of that.

  • katiekitten

    I really cant see why gay is an issue at all. Id be more than happy if my daughter turned out to be gay. Best form of contraception IMO.

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