Do JW's really care if the literature they leave ends up in the garbage can

by JH 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    Just like junk mail, I'm sure that JW literature, tracts or magazines ends up in the garbage can just as fast as any junk mail. Most Witnesses must know this, but still they look at how many hours and placements they will add to their report. What people do with the literature, most JW's know.

    I recieved my tract yesterday, and it went in the garbage can in no time.

    In a way, they create polution, knowing that most of their literature will end up in the trash.

  • parakeet

    "In a way, they create polution, knowing that most of their literature will end up in the trash."

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Maybe it depends on what has been placed, and how, as to whether they care or not. I know that a lot of these new tracts are getting pushed through letter boxes without the jws knocking first, and they must know that most of them are going to be thrown in the trash. If someone places a book, brochure or magazine however, they might think the householder would at least have glanced at it if they do an rv, though I have known jws who shoved mags through doors without knocking.

  • Sunspot

    I'd have to say that they all know that one man's treasure is another man's trash---including anything that the well-meaning"(?) JWs leave at people's home during a WTS campaign.

    These mandatory volunteers of WTS literature certainly MUST know that these tracts, for the most part, will be going straight into the nearest waste basket.


  • sir82

    Of course - they hope it gets thrown away!

    Don't you recall all those experiences of individuals "coming into the truth" because they found a single page of the Watchtower wrapped around fish entrails, or were hit hit in the head by a "Truth" book thrown from the window of a moving train, or whatnot?

    Jehovah blesses his people by having householders throw the literature out!

  • blondie

    One of the few times I tried street witnessing, I noticed that the people would grab the magazine as the JW shoved it into their hand walking along side them. Then the person would get about halfway down the street and drop it on the sidewalk and the JW would have to scramble to pick it up.

    That was my last time.


  • Honesty

    You're just a jealous rat because you know JW's are giving a GOOD WITNESS no matter how bird seed responds.

    Rev 19:17-18 Then I saw an angel standing in the sun, and he cried out in a loud voice, saying to all the birds flying in mid-heaven, “Come, gather together for the great supper of God, so that you may eat the flesh of kings, the flesh of commanders, the flesh of mighty men, the flesh of horses and of their riders, and the flesh of everyone, both free and slave, small and great.”

  • jaguarbass

    They probably figure they did their job, They earned their brownie points to get into the new order.

  • becca1

    Don't think so. "Jehovah does the judging".

  • misspeaches

    Call me nieve but I never considered that householders would actually throw the literature out. Like our own family I just expected them to add it to their collection on the bookcase. Especially the return visits.

    This is the first time I've ever thought about. I find that highly amusing!

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