Do JW's really care if the literature they leave ends up in the garbage can

by JH 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • sspo

    Most jw don't care where it ends up.

    From elders to publishers I noticed their zeal with the tract work, they all look like zombies, focused not on people but trying to get their time in and cover the territory.


  • blondie

    I remember the tract work from long ago, the Armageddon one. Not talking to the person, just putting it in their hand or in the door as if the end were coming that day. After that day, I put the rest of my tracts in the trash. And never again did tract work.


  • SirNose586

    Or maybe it ends up as ammo for throwing at other people! I remember, quite a long time ago, my sister, dad, and I went to my old grade school on the weekend to play on the grounds there. On the way to the field, we found trash strewn about near the dumpster. Among the litter was a Watchtower with a note: "Student was found throwing this around the classroom." At the time, the three of us lamented how sad it was that such Useful Literature was reduced to such a shameful use. Inwardly I thought it was pretty funny.

  • orangefatcat

    I too have seen many a person take the magizines from you and then they just throw it away. I have seen that happen manytimes in the street witnessing.

    What can you do. They really know that it is trash.


  • FreeFromWTBS

    I had taken my now husband who was my boyfriend at the time to my parents and they were using the Watchtower as a mat for the halloween pumpkin on the front porch.

  • Lapuce

    Ok they are doing exactly like what they say in Revelation 11:18, they are ruining the world with all the trees they use to print their b*llSh*t !!!

  • Warlock

    No one cares, because the thought is, if people take the literature, it's on them as to whether they read it, act on it, or just throw it away.


  • Genesis

    Put it in your "bac bleu" JH, you paper waster !

  • JH

    Put it in your "bac bleu" JH

    It's already there and ready to recycle into another tract.

  • aarque

    My husband told me this and I laughed like heck. When he was a young boy, a couple of JWs knocked on the door. His father answered, told them he wasn't interested and told them not to leave any magazines in the hallway. Well, they did. Before the two could get back to their car which was parked in the driveway, his father grabbed the magazine, ran out in the yard and set it on fire.He said the carload of JWs watched in horror, then sped off.

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