You know I find it hysterical you essentially accuse gay people of lying about being attracted to others of the same gender from an early age, and then expect us to believe YOU suceed in controlling your sexual desires (down to the point of not ever reacting to another woman as though she were a woman in any way since mariage) when it is known that even in cloistered communities of religious devotees sexual negation is the hardest thing.
It's also funny you ignore the point I was making about fact vs opinion. With me I have facts behind my opinions. I think something because of x, y and quite possibly z. I may still be wrong. You seem to use an alternative paradigm, where you seem to select what facts to accept based upon a preconceived opinion.
I ask about your parent's attitudes towards sex and sex education as you seem to have had no childhood sex education to speak of and not to have had the first idea about sex as a teen; you try to compare this totally unneccesary situation and its resultant confusion with someone being unsure about their sexuality. Apples and pears mate; someone can have an encyclopdeic knowledge of sex in today's society and STILL find accepting their sexuality difficult, often due to the reactions of those around them.
Shame on you Abaddon - are you actually agreeing that one can choose how one is!!!??? I thought your basic premise is that it doesn't matter what one's beliefs are - reality will overrule them. Anyhow I never mentioned religion till now - you are dangerously close to revealing your driving bias against religion rather than staying on topic. My belief in human origins isn't anything to do with this and I doubt you actually know what my beliefs actually are. I'll get over things when I choose not when prodded by pedants.
If you deal with a Nazi who hates Jews you have to consider whether he hates Jews because he is a Nazi, even if he tries to make-out he has a decent reason for it. If you deal with someone in a religious group that is opposed to homosexuality you have to consider whether they are opposed to homosexuals due to their religious beliefs even if they make out they have a decent reason for it.
You also have to consider that someonewho presents as having a conflicted attitude towards sex and who still makes childish noises about his parent's sex life is probably not the most balanced person in the world when it comes to opinions on the subject.
Of course, the above would be over-ruled if you had some vast tidal wave of spell-binding factual demonstration of your views, but your views are those of someone who had a retarded sexual development who then bases their views on sex on religious diktat rather than objective study. Or will you deny your faith influences your beliefs? Your argument is opinion lead, not fact lead, and your 'facts' are loose linkages at best that ignore inconvenient historical fact.
You ask me for facts to back genetic determination up when I correct your overstatements by saying we just don't have enough information to know yet. For a start, my previous posts already provide such data and do not state the conclusion is absolute. Please, do not make it sound like I do not think choice has any role; wharping my argument is either lazy or dishonest.
You ask about sexual attraction; actually sexual attraction is very genetically based. In societies where skinny women are seen as most beautiful those with a hip:waist ratio of 0.7 are seen as most attractive. In a soceity where heavier women are sen as attractive those with a hip:waist ratio of 0.7 are seen as most attractive. Women with an obvious waist are more fertile than those without. What we see is exactly what we would expect according to evolutonary theory.
Men are attracted to the most fertile women, as they have inherited that attraction from their ancestors, as the human males attracted to women with pronounced waists had more offspring than those who were attracted to a woman regardless of her waist.
There's an awful lot more proof of naturalistic evolution in human sexual biology, be it in the size and form of human male penises or in the size of male tetes, or in the 'hidden ovulation' of human females, but that's just an aside.
Ah good point - since your critical reading skills are shot I'll clarify - my whole post is driving at the point that we are responsible for who we are - I am more than happy for people to politely disagree with that opinion. I made a good statement that actually stands well alone outside of any sexual arena.Qcmbr , if urges do not result in harm to uninvolved parties, why are they wrong?
If you ignore all else, answer this one...
You make a statement that no one has disagreed with; please find someone saying on this thread that people are not are responsible for who we are. Why are you trying to oppose something no one has argued? Is the actual discussion we ARE having too difficult?
You also, despite me asking you to answer it if nothing else, evade answering a simple question;
If urges do not result in harm to uninvolved parties, why are they wrong?
There it is again...
For instance, it is known that boys who are molested in childhood have a higher chance of being Gay than those who are not.
Can you provide the research on this please? I know well that child molesters (I'm sure you realise that this is not synominous with homosexual) are more likey to have been sexually molested as a child than the average. This is often presented on religious-predicated anti-gay websites as 'if you're sexually molested as a child you are more likely to be gay', but they are mixing two different things up.
It's a pity you're unwilling to detail what part of the evidence regarding homosexual behaviour in animals you find problematic. Not exactly an elegent argument... but angels fear to tread and all that...
It would also be good to add that some will believe that homosexuality is not a lifestyle choice for equally unpalatable reasons as the ones you cite in you implied criticism of those who disagree with that particular lifestyle Abaddon.
I think you must realise my main criticism is the method some people arive at a conclusion. To me it is akin to ignoring the human rights issue of human sacrifice because you worship Quetzalcoatl
I think the important thing to realise is that the evidence is not compelling enough to make the assertion that Gayness is something folks are "born with," as many claim.
Many? Not me. Not anyone on this thread. Not any of the research I've quoted. 'Many' say it's probably a complex interaction between genetics, pre-natal environment, pre-pubescent, pubescent , and post-pubescent environment. It seems the religously predicated lobby (not you) are the ones who often object to the very idea it COULD be influenced by things a person has no control over, for the reasons I've given.
All the best.