Blood is Thicker than Water

by Clam 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Clam

    "Blood is thicker than water." Well technically speaking it is of course, but how do you feel about this saying? It implies that those people you have a biological link with are somehow "extra special". My wife who is not related by blood to me is more special to me than anyone, and some of my closest friends are dearer to me than some of my blood relatives. It's wrong to grade people like this of course but I was just contemplating the saying. I think its natural conclusion would lead to making choices. That is to say when it comes to the crunch you're always going to ally yourself or "choose" those with whom you have a blood tie.

  • bubble

    I don't know if you have children or not. But in my life my children come before anyone and I will always love them unconditionally until the day I die.

    In that case blood is thicker than water. But as for all my other blood relatives that are currently shunning me - the jury's out on that one!

  • gumby

    Blood is thicker than water.......hmmm......I don't get it. If blood represents your relatives, then what does the water represent?


  • valkyrie
    hmmm......I don't get it. If blood represents your relatives, then what does the water represent?

    Well, if one is a JW, water certainly does not indicate [the brothers and sisters created by] the waters of baptism!

  • Clam
    If blood represents your relatives, then what does the water represent?

    Non relatives Gumbnuts.

  • gumby

    Ok Clam ya smartarse....then how come's yer speakin in parables instead of just comin out and askin..." are relatives closer to you than non relatives"? Who do you think you are......JESUS ? Sheesh

    *gets out 'book of sayings' to check out clams claims*


  • Clam

    Gumbster I'm not sure if you have loads of daft old sayings over in the States like we do. Blood is Thicker. . . is one of them. A lot of them conflict as well. For instance " Too many Cooks spoil the broth" and "many hands make light work". So many hands make light work unless broth is involved apparently. You see?

    Clam is thicker than Gumby.

  • jaguarbass

    In most cases blood is thicker than water and the JW's destroy that bond which makes so many people here angry and disturbed.

  • Mary
    In most cases blood is thicker than water and the JW's destroy that bond which makes so many people here angry and disturbed.

    Bingo. How many JWs do we know that put the religion ahead of their own flesh and blood?

  • greendawn

    There are many rotten relatives everywhere including literal brothers and sisters. In that case blood can be thinner than water. Jesus talks of spiritual brothers and sisters as being the more substantial ones.

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