I figured out what's up with the golf club!!!! (True LOST fans only)

by kittyeatzjdubs 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • kittyeatzjdubs

    Oh! This is cool! I found out what was up w/ Desmond making that lightning rod out of the golf club.
    Remember when Hurley was going back to the beach and he ran into Desmond and was like, "DUDE! You're nekkid, get some clothes!" and he asked where Locke was. Desmond said, "Gone to rescue your friend brutha." And Hurley was all "What?" And Desmond was like, "Oh, nevermind." (Locke NEVER TOLD Desmond that he and Charlie were going to rescue their friends!)
    Theeeeeeeen...when Locke and Charlie came back to the beach and Locke was all, "Our friends have been captured by the Others! We must go rescue them! Onward ho!" and whatnot. So then Hurley looks all weird at Desmond down by the water...

    Desmond can see the future!!!...or has been to the future already and that's why he was nekkid (think Quantum Leap). That's why he did the thing w/ the golfclub. He knew that lightning was going to strike Claire's shelter. Remember when he asked her if he could fix her roof?

    Ha! I figured out something about LOST finally! WOOT! **does happy dance**

    Feel free to congratulate me and sing my praises.

    ~luv, jojo


    Wow! (done in a dead pan voice similar to Ben Stein)

  • kittyeatzjdubs

    **sticks tongue out at xjw4ever**

    You're just jealous.

    ~luv, jojo

  • Elsewhere

    I'm still trying to figure out why the "others" say they are "the good guys". If they are the good guys, then who's the bad guys?

  • becca1

    You're a very cleaver girl indeed.

  • kittyeatzjdubs
    I'm still trying to figure out why the "others" say they are "the good guys". If they are the good guys, then who's the bad guys?

    I wonder if it's the one's who were ''infected'' with that virus they're always talking about.

    And where the heck has Danielle Rousseau been???

    And what is the monster???

    And why is Locke always wanting to talk to the island???!!!!

    damn this show and it's creator's!!!! damn you all!!!! i used to actually have a life!

    ~luv, jojo

  • Elsewhere
    I wonder if it's the one's who were ''infected'' with that virus they're always talking about.

    Perhaps the bad guys have something to do that arctic station we saw last season... the guys watching for a magnetic anomaly who called and woke up that woman at home.

  • Jim_TX

    Congrats jojo for figuring out that bit.

    Now go figure out why 'the others' showed Sawyer that they were on a second island... when they have always seemed to have been able to 'walk' from one encampnent to the other - sans boat (which would be needed to traverse the water.)

    I'm still trying to figure out why the "others" say they are "the good guys". If they are the good guys, then who's the bad guys?

    Yeah... me too Elsewhere... I don't trust these people at all. They have already played a bit of desception on Sawyer... then tell him - 'Oh. Never mind that. It's not real.' WTF?????

    I think there is still something afoot that they are not revealing.

    I think that after the 'hatch' imploded... maybe THAT caused some things to happen that 'the others' were not expecting (a splitting of the island in two, perhaps?)

    Stay tuned... more answers next week...


    Jim TX

  • dawgfan

    I use this site to help me keep up with the show

  • sir82

    Now go figure out why 'the others' showed Sawyer that they were on a second island... when they have always seemed to have been able to 'walk' from one encampnent to the other - sans boat (which would be needed to traverse the water.)

    1) They have at least one boat *, and

    2) They could be linked by underground tunnels - my best bet. The indoor complex seems awfully huge, and the islands aren't all that far apart.

    * They must have more than one - they wouldn't let Michael & Walt off with their only one, would they?

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