Now go figure out why 'the others' showed Sawyer that they were on a second island... when they have always seemed to have been able to 'walk' from one encampnent to the other - sans boat (which would be needed to traverse the water.)
I think they showed him so as to enforce a sense of hopelesness...which now leaves this question unanswered: IF they are truly on a separate will Locke ever rescue them?
I think that after the 'hatch' imploded... maybe THAT caused some things to happen that 'the others' were not expecting (a splitting of the island in two, perhaps?)
I think there have always been 2 islands. Think about the beginning of this season, it showed the crash from the Others viewpoint and they're in that little neighborhood with the nice houses and whatnot. With Danielle Rousseau being on that island for as long as she has, don't you think she would have found that ''secret neighborhood'' by now?
Stay tuned... more answers next week...
HA! More questions most likely.
~luv, jojo