When i had to be put out for my first emergency c-section i was alone and verbally said i'd have blood as a very last resort, i was petrified.Shamefully, as i felt so guiltridden over that and my husband was with me saying no to blood for my prem baby when the court people asked me if i agreed with him i said i did.I was secretly glad that they overruled us though and it was this that made me first want to get out of the religion. The next time i signed the papers and verbally said no under any circumstances to blood although i wanted to say yes, and when i haemmorhaged during surgery i was very scared but fortunately id taken iron tablets regularly and was ok but i knew that if my baby had needed blood i'd have let them, i had been saying it from day 1 of the pregnancy.Trouble is, people tend to think EP0 will have an immediate effect in any situation and that is not the case, we could'nt believe it when we were told it takes up to 6 wks to work!Also those in the religion don't realise until they're in that situation exactly how scared they will feel.I'm just one of the lucky ones whose child was protected by the courts and i'm so thankful.I kept it quiet though about agreeing to blood because i was scared of the reaction,In my congregation we had several mothers who refused antibodies for rhesus negative blood (if the men have positive blood second pregnancies onwards get attacked by mothers cells rejecting the baby if he had positive blood) but i had the injections and felt very guilty whilst they were seen as saints.
Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology Report on Pregnant JWs and Blood
by stevenyc 13 Replies latest watchtower medical
I'm so glad I'm out of that religion. I always secretly hoped that the courts would step in and was thankful my kids' dad was not a JW.
The blood doctrine and "Liberal Elder" site was my first tipped dominoe. After that the dominoes kept crashing down one after another.
I told my sister to look out for more changes in the blood doctrine with more and more "blood products" not poured out on the ground being acceptable.
She told me, "That' will NEVER happen."
Yeah, right.
I hope she remembers that conversation that took place about 5 years ago!
Obstetric hemorrhage is not infrequent. Approximately 2% of women who present to a labor and delivery floor will require a blood transfusion,4 and as previously stated, this can lead to a 44-fold increased risk of maternal mortality if the patient refuses all transfusion therapy.
Huh....for some reason that quote didn't make it into the November Kingdom Ministry!
I'm sure it was just an oversight...
I get letters from active JW's who are concerned about dying without blood transfusions and are questioning the WTS policy on blood that could lead to death for JW's. I find it encouraging to hear this.
I'm a volunteer with AJWRB.ORG and I'm very glad to see JW questioning this policy the head men came up back in the 1940's.