For decades now the WT has enjoyed peace and freedom in most westernized lands.
But the WT does not really want the easy road, they do not want to be like mainstrean
Christendom. They need to appear as though they are different, the elect, the martyr,
being persecuted for the sake of truth.
Do you think that the WT is trying to draw more attention to themselves by means of
these special campaigns? First delivering a personal invitation to every home for the
"Deliverance at Hand!" convention. Then it was the special "Creator" anti-evolution issue
of the Awake! magazine. The Sunday public talk at most circuit overseer visits is all about
getting prepared for major opposition. Now it is blasting every other religion on earth with
this new tract "The End of False Religion is Near!" The 2007 Year Theme is Zephaniah 1:14
"The great day of Jehovah is near." In January the WT will begin inciting millions
of JWs earthwide to further condemn religion and politics by their study of the book
"Revelation it's Grand Climax at Hand!"
The WT wants legal battles in the courts. They want to get the persecution started.
So why not provoke it by means of special campaings? It worked in the past. In the last six
months the JWs have probably been at every door with some extra special urgent message
three or four times, not including their usual door to door magazine preaching.
I can't help but wonder if the WT is going out of their way trying to start a something,
just as they did when they sent that personal letter of condemnation to the Nazis.
Are the WT leaders out there on the streets everyday touting these especially urgent
messages or are they just having the rank and file JWs do it so they get the brunt of
the opposition so the WT leaders can sit back at their headquarters and write literature
Is the WT looking for a fight?
by Smiles 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Well if they want a real fight and to get very persecuted, all they need to do is pick a battle with Islam
The Dragon
It is alot easier to start shit and send people to silence your opposer and critics when you don't have to partake of the consequneces of your decisions and join them on the front line.
when you have people under you they are like toys you are playing with....remote control toys....while you sit back and safely watch.
Cool huh?
I think they are doing what they feel they should. If they wanted a real fight they could have been very specific rather than merely hinting.
Talking of picking fights this is the most awesome monkey in the world:
Do you think that the WT is trying to draw more attention to themselves by means of
these special campaigns?Maybe they are, but on the evidence of the people I've talked to around here, it isn't working. Plenty of people have had the new tract, but I haven't spoke to anyone who's actually read it yet.
When Rutherford was in charge, he had the Witnesses wearing sandwich boards and picketing outside the Churches on the sidewalks.
When the church leaders protested and complained about such activities, Rutherford cried "Persecution!".
Right there you have a reason why during the Rutherford years there were so many physical attacks against the witnesses. It was because "in your face" witnessing activities such as that.
Another witnessing tactic was to take a sound car up on a neighboring hill and blast recordings of Rutherford's so that the whole neighborhood would hear his messages, usually condemning the Catholic Church. They thought they had a right to do that, and couldn't understand why they were not endearing them selfs to the community. Who could enjoy a meal or a quiet afternoon with Rutherford blaring away in the background?
The JWs don't get involved with direct confrontation anymore, they figured out that ill will was more often generated than interest in the "Kingdom message" they were proclaiming.
The WT knows that there are boundaries to what they can put in print. For legal reasons they have really tamed the heat in their literature.
They don't want to end up in prison again like the Rutherford and the guys. They are less direct than they used to be, but their literature is still
written in such a way so that average reader will probably not take notice, but some of the more influencial people in the world might see
the WT agenda.
The WT wants all other religions except them to be destroyed by through the political/military entities of the U.N. They want it to happen
as soon as possible so as to justify their current "end is near" obesession. So the WT orders a worldwide campaign to distribute their fiery
little "The End of False Religion is Near!" tract, HOPING that the right people read it, placing the thought in their heart to make a move
against religion.
The WT is trying to incite the fulfillment of their own prophecies and some persecution from it in the process will boost their ego. -
When the Society puts a "death to the infidels" banner on their New York property so it can be seen from the Brooklyn Bridge, I'll take notice. In the mean time the literature writers stay all safe and warm behind closed doors and write their hate letters anonymously for the Witness kids to take door to unfriendly door.
Those Witness kids can't deliver the printed literature anonymously. Did anybody read where Rutherford was tarred and feathered? He was not! He wrote and hid like a weasel while the Witness people met angry crowds. Same thing's happening now. Hit and run, write and hide. -
Neh, all these campaigns and proclamations of urgency are just mind-control tactics to keep a constant state of expectation and doomsday mentality in the rank and file. We can expect it to get worse as the Society gets more desperate to stop the haemorraging of numbers. It's nothing to do with trying to bring persecution onto themselves.
If the cowardly WTS writers DO actually stir up a few small pockets of controversy, making the JWs even more disliked and having less "interested ones" coming to their Kingdom Halls than previously......WHAT is to be gained?
I mean, the "end" is not going to come any more quickly because of any campaigns the WTS dreams up, and they are going to appear even MORE foolish and MORE wacko than what IS the purpose?
I "delivered the same URGENT message" in the 1970's, and it would seem the more time passes, the more ridiculous the JWs would seem in their efforts to go around enmass today with the same message!
It has been proven that the WTS does not have a CLUE about ANYTHING "prophetic" in nature, and never HAVE.....their credibility is shot at this what ARE they hoping to gain by just another campaign to prove this all over again?