Is the WT looking for a fight?

by Smiles 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • The Dragon
    The Dragon

    Question is....

    How do they define "getting their asses kicked"?

    I may be able to help them in their quest depending upon what they are looking for.

    Is getting their guesses blown out of the water their definition a "ass kicking"? Or losing control over their unquestioning obedient "sims" a "ass kicking"? Or do they want someone to kill and torture their "sims"....

    If so I can offer no help there.

  • sass_my_frass

    If they had any clue about marketing they'd have been advertising on TV and in print for decades.

  • The Dragon
    The Dragon

    How would that work when they tell thier sims the TV is from the devil..and not to watch it for fear they can be misled and engage in "loose conduct"?

    Or perhaps the fds is asleep at the controls....

    All I can do is guess,,,,unfortunatly,,the do hold the answer or "truth" to that question. Think they would tell their "truth" for a change instead of trying to tell God's?

  • sf
    When the Society puts a "death to the infidels" banner on their New York property so it can be seen from the Brooklyn Bridge, I'll take notice. In the mean time the literature writers stay all safe and warm behind closed doors and write their hate letters anonymously for the Witness kids to take door to unfriendly door.

    Those Witness kids can't deliver the printed literature anonymously. Did anybody read where Rutherford was tarred and feathered? He was not! He wrote and hid like a weasel while the Witness people met angry crowds. Same thing's happening now. Hit and run, write and hide.

    Gary, will you please get to the point here?

    Thanks, sKally


  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    skally i get the point. it's saying the bosses will not stand in the front lines. the gb has no balls. they have zombies to do thier dirty work for them. while they sit in thier ivory tower. john

  • garybuss

    sKally, You wrote: "Gary, will you please get to the point here?" :-)

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