Jesus Coming 7 Different Ways....Is this new light?

by watson 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • watson

    This is going around the "friend's" email circuit. Is this new light from the Governing Body?

    Dear family,

    As you all know we just had the privilege of having Brother and Sister Losch visit last weekend and heard some excellent talks. We wanted to share a few highlights with you. On Friday afternoon we got to meet with him personally along with one other missionary couple. Brother Losch said that we've probably noticed that the governing body has been taking some initiatives this summer with special campaigns. He said we can expect to see more in the future. Regarding the upcoming tract campaign announcing false religion's destruction he said that they expect it to really divide people. For some it will open their eyes and for others they will reject it. Then we will be better able to discern who wants to hear more and who does not. It was interesting to hear a governing body member relate what they are anticipating. He also said that they yet expect MILLIONS to come into the organization before the end! On Saturday at the Kingdom Hall dedication Brother Losch was interviewed because he was one who shared in smuggling literature into Romania during Communism. His first time to enter Romania was in 1974 smuggling in microfilm that was produced at the Austria branch where he worked. He also delivered a talk on Saturday and the theme was how we can glorify Jehovah. He helped all of us to put our whole life into perspective by bringing out that the whole purpose for humans existing is to bring glory to Jehovah. Ephesians 1:12 - this is our purpose! Sunday we had a national convention where he spoke to over 1300 brothers from all over the country. He spoke excellent Romanian throwing in a Spanish word here and there since they had just been in Mexico the week before! We understood him perfectly! We found it interesting on Sunday he spoke about Jesus coming in seven different senses. We had never heard that before. For example his first coming was in 1914 as King. His second coming was in 1917-1919 to purify the priestly class and his third was in 1918 to resurrect the anointed and so on. He still has to come in three more ways in the future! He said we need to be prepared because when Babylon the Great is destroyed there will be a lot of blood spilled. After her destruction we can also expect great economic problems. We will need to encourage one another and we will need patience during this time. Governments will take on a dictatorial stance in order to try to control the general world situation. With regard to what Jesus said about not completing the circuit of the cities in referring to the preaching he mentioned that we currently do not have a single publisher in Somalia, North Korea and Afghanistan. After Armaghedon there will be much work to be done. We will need to cultivate food and build houses for the billions who will be resurrected. We don't know how long the resurrection will last but it could possibly last 200 or 300 years! Those were some of the highlights. It's always exciting to hear these details directly from a member of the governing body. They have such insight and can see things much more clearly than we can Your thoughts? Watson

  • uwishufish


  • gordon d
    gordon d

    Sorry... a little off topic (perhaps) but does anyone know how to get puke out of a keyboard?

  • watson

    I understand that this may cause the "gagging reflex," but I AM curious as to whether this is a new line of thinking from the org, or not.

    Thank you


  • Leolaia

    I guess the writer didn't stop to think for one second that the Bible doesn't speak of a series of seven different comings for Jesus?

  • gordon d
    gordon d

    It's not really "NEW"... just sort of a variation of Paul Simon's "50 ways to leave your lover"..... Kinda like "7 ways to have a rapture"

  • watson

    Maybe they are starting to lay the ground work for changing the 1914 return of Christ teaching?

  • gordon d
    gordon d

    Hey Leolaia... since when did that sort of thing ever slow the WTS down.... Cool maybe we'll get a "New" New World Translation!!!

  • Leolaia

    LOL, you can almost make a song with that, 1914: "I followed the Divine Plan, Stan," 1918: "Catch the resurrection bus, Russ," 1919: "Go with the flow, Joe". :-P

  • wozadummy

    I like the car sticker I saw the other day ,it encapsulates what Witnesses are like today............ "JESUS IS COMING....LOOK BUSY"

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