How do you feel about "Ultimate fighting?"

by free2beme 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • free2beme

    Because I turned a lot of attention to martial arts, after leaving the Witnesses, I got a lot of connections with people in the martial arts and fighting world. I have sense stopped training, after many years and black belts. I just got sick of it, and wanted to do something else. In that time, I have seen ultimate fighting go from something you saw on television to something we do in my own town. About a year ago, I got a call from my old sensei, saying that he needed some judges and wanted to pull in some of his old black belts to judge. Now keep in mind, when I was into martial arts, I did it for the skill, the discipline, and the knowledge. I did not enjoy the actual harming of another person, unless it was defense and even then, that was not something that brought be joy either. So to me, the skill was to be respected. So I go down to judge and this is my first time seeing ultimate fighting first hand. I was judging with a five other people, men and woman. We are next to a cage and people come in and fighting one another. They do not use boxing gloves, they use gloves that basically looking like bicycle gloves with a small amount of padding at the knuckles (I stress small). The rules are basically ...

    1. No strikes to the grown

    2. No strikes to the back of the head or spine

    The winner is decided by ...

    1. Knock out

    2. Submission

    3. Tapping out (When you give up)

    4. Ref Calls it, something wrong

    5. Judge decision at end of 3-5 round.

    You might think this sounds harmless. A little boxing match, right? Wrong. I watched people come into the ring and just get the crap beat out of them. One guy got knocked out, so hard the paramedics were trying to revive him, he was having a seizure on the ground and threw up. Another man bleed so bad from his nose that there was a puddle of blood about two feet wide in seconds. Saw three arms broken, one jaw, a couple arms come out of socket, and ribs broken. Woman were fighting too. One girl took a hit to the stomach so hard, I could not image that would not have her dealing with medical issue for years and another got knocked out and sent to the hospital. It was like watching "gladiators", the audience loved the blood and pain, and cheered for more. People got hurt, they yelled louder.

    I have now judged six events. Finally a month ago, I stopped. I got so sick of it. It just seemed to be, not human. I can not believe how much blood I saw, throw up, and even one person pissing their paints because they were in so much pain. Now, I hate to suggest laws to regulate things. I do, however, understand why so many states are trying to ban this kind of fighting. Some cities in the west, have already put city bans in place. Which means people just do it in the next town.

    What do you think of this fighting, do you like it? I suspect some do, as the matches have huge attendance. I also bet, many people never heard of this before or even knew what it was about.

  • truthsetsonefree

    There are things that go too far. Ultimate fighting is probably one of them.

  • R6Laser

    It sounds to me like the promoter of those fights was not very good at setting the correct rules or referee's for those figths. Back in the early UFC days ultimate fighting I agree was a brutal sport. Headbutts, elbows to the head and such were allowed. Now the sport has grown, the Nevada Athlethic commision has stepped in and regulated it. But I do agree that there still are promoters who are doing the sport a lot of harm by having these types of fights where a lot of blood and harm comes out of it.

    I myself trained in full contact fighting and actually stepped in the ring and fought many times. I trained in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Muay-Thai, Wrestling, and boxing. To the events I went to, all the fighters were fully trained and knew what they were doing. Ocasionally there was the gruesome knockout or dislocated elbow. I myself was knocked out a couple of times. But that also happens in boxing. Getting knocked out is a part of a danger when you step in that ring.

    Now those gloves being so small and with almost no padding are actually to make it easier for the submission artists when they are on the ground working on submissions. It is almost impossible to try and submit someone with full boxing gloves. Every ultimate fighting event that I went or participated in, was properly supervised and the referee's actually knew what they were doing. Let's say for example I'm aplying an armbar to my opponent, my opponent has to either escape out of it, tap out or if the referee sees that the arm is in danger of being dislocated the fight gets stopped right there. Same thing when there's a cut or too much bleeding, the fight gets stopped the fighter gets checked out and will get stopped if the ringside doctors see it necessary.

    Ultimate fighting when done by responsible promoters is a great sport to watch. Of course there are exceptions, like the one's you witnessed.

  • heretic

    Ultimate fighting is a great sport,

    however as we saw in the early ufcs when someone doesnt know what they are doing they get into trouble real quick. The sport showcases these guys talent and they are awesome professionals, but when a local town puts on an ultimate fighting show it brings out people who might believe theyve got what it takes, maybe they do but does the other guy? Its damn hard to get into the UFC, these smaller shows i dont know. Ive never heard of that many injuries happening before, maybe the regulations need reviewing. also in the UFC theres been inexperienced refs who got flustered and end up letting a guy take unnecessary punishment. everybody needs to know what they are doing.

  • lowden

    There is a huge gap between Ultimate Fighting and True Matrial Arts!

    Martial Arts do not concern themselves with mindless violence. The use of physical force is a resultant part of Martial Arts but not the goal.

    If machismo obsessed people wanna kick the living shite out of each other in controlled conditions, then good luck to 'em. Not for me though.



  • R6Laser
    There is a huge gap between Ultimate Fighting and True Matrial Arts!

    Not really a difference between the two. Unless you want to count how many so called 'True' martial artists have gone into the ring and been beaten over and over by some one with submission experience.

    Those that are serious about it and not in it for the whole 'lets beat people up' are martial artists. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Muay-Thai, Wrestling are all martial arts as much as Karate or Hapkido or any other art.

    I agree that those that are just in it for the violence aspect, or those promoters that do it for the shock value are in the wrong. But if you go to a sanctioned event with an open mind and see how much training goes into it, you might look at it from a different point of view.

  • ferret

    I despise it I cannot fathom one human being beating another senseless, it's barbaric in mho.

  • lowden
    There is a huge gap between Ultimate Fighting and True Matrial Arts!

    Not really a difference between the two. Unless you want to count how many so called 'True' martial artists have gone into the ring and been beaten over and over by some one with submission experience.


    IMHO, anyone that goes into the cage claiming to be a True Martial Artist is a charlatan, no matter what Dan or Belt they hold. Then again. many people embark upon the journey into the Matrial Arts with the wrong mindset and atitude.



  • jaguarbass

    I've known about it. I dont watch it It sounds inhumane. But thats what people do..Royce Gracie teaches ground fighting to detention officers here in Florida.

  • Legolas

    I love watching the UFC!


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