Hello. I have a specific request. I would like a link that shows that NGO requirements (for example, informing people about U.N. activities) haven't changed since the criteria was established, or at least that nothing has changed since 1991 or whenever the wt said it did. Thanks.
U.N./WT (yes, I know it's overdone)
by Chameleon 10 Replies latest watchtower scandals
The Criteria for Association has changed over the years. However, the intent of the Associate memberships (dissemination of information about the UN and it activities) and the requirement to support the principles (and therefore, the purposes) of the UN Charter have always been present.
While some have insinuated that the WTS can be an active Associate member of the UN/DPI and publish negative information about the UN and its activities without any kind of censure from the UN, this is patently false. Obviously, prior to its membership and after its membership was terminated it is free to publish anything that does not constitute libel without any reaction from the UN or its agencies of any kind. But, while a member of the UN/DPI it was promised to support the purposes and principles of the UN Charter as a requirement of Associate membership.
AuldSoul -
AuldSoul, Did the WTS publish negative information during the time they were associated with the UN or did it completely stop? I was a witness up until 2002 and was always taught that the UN was the scarlet coloured wild beast and it is only recently that I heard that they were secretly associated with the UN. I can remember watchtower articles and books that denounced the UN but I can't remember if that sort of article stopped after 1991. Has anyone looked into this? Thanks, Steve
yes. use your wt cdrom. look up references......to the un. you'll find that in all public references like the wt and awake, if they were not openly praising the un, they were at least nuetral. on the other hand in the deep study material that we had in books and such.....what was taught was a different story.
I know this is off the point a bit but:
Try these:
AND Google or MSN search pairs of words like "Watchtower" space with "United Nations" or [Watchtower NGO] or [Watchtower Scandal].
Friend, the Watchtower / UN association IS NOT OVERDONE. Get real. The Watchtower was started by CT Russell a 33rd degree Free-Mason and in the Masonic honor society of The Knights Templar. The Cross and crown design on early Zion's Watchtower and lapel pins worn by WT associates is that for The Knights Templar honor society. The cross and crown design is associated with other New World Order originated religions such as Christian Science and the World Bible has this design. http://www.auburn.edu/~allenkc/web.html
There is NO New World in the Bible. That is a non-sense term biblically speaking.
Google [CT Russell Free-Mason] [CT Russell pyramid] [CT Russell occult] [CT Russell Knights Templar].
The Watchtower was started by a member of the Wild Beast's organization. Free-Masons are the architects of the New World Order and have infiltrated all of the Governments, militaries, religions, organizations, charities, educational institutions ... possible. Free-Masons are the Founders of the US government. The Pyramid on the one Dollar bill is a symbol of the Free-Mason and mother organization. Russell's monument in the Watchtower's cemetary in Pittsburg PA is a Pyramid EXACTLY like the one pictured on the dollar bill with the word "Watchtower" on it. Russell was a spoiler of other religions (who opened themselves up for criticism with false doctrines), NOT a Christian. The Watchtower excluded itself from being a religion when the early members picked outside churches wearing placards saying "Religion is a Snare and a Racket." It still excludes itself from being a part of Christianity by excluding itself as a member of "Christendom" which is defined by the English dictionaries as "The Kingdom of Christ". It has been run by spoilers intent on vilifying Christians. It destroys people trying to be Christians and real Bible students in its ranks. A JW reads 3,000+ pages of WT literature a year and 200 pages of the New World Re-Written Translation of the Bible. Usually the same 200 pages of references. It joined THE ORGANIZATION with the intent of bringing about a New World Order - One World Government, the United Nations. Get the big picture now.
Also, Daniel 7:21, 25 and Revelation 13:1-7 show that we, the Holy Ones of the Kingdom MUST lose as the fourth beast / empire makes war on them - Until the definite time arrives for them to recieve the Kingdom.
We all know the Watchtower only joined for the library card and when they realized what that meant (about 10 years later), they immediately withdrew. Honest mistake really...
...looking forward to the next 60 pages.
Is there a link directly to a UN website showing the Watchtower involvement?