I'm a little confused about this forum

by gordon d 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • RubaDub

    Yes, I'm still a bit "regular" here.

    Still do the field service once a month ... sometimes twice.

    Two or three meetings a month.

    It gives one a very interesting perspective of all things!

    Rub a Dub

  • free2beme

    I have asked this question before myself. I think there are two reasons that people here still attend. One, they live with someone who is a Witness (Parent/Spouse) and perhaps they are not able to say NO. Second, I think it might be a false impression that going keeps them up to date on the religion and makes them feel they are doing some good to keep others informed. While the first one is something I can understand, the second is one I would be concerned with, as it shows a sign of not moving on properly.

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