Gordon: Hi and welcome to JWD. Years ago I used to go out in fielf service in Houston. I attended South Main cong. I don't do fielf service any longer and I don't live in Houston. I went back to the church I was raised in: the Episcopal Church.
I'm a little confused about this forum
by gordon d 41 Replies latest jw friends
gordon d
Please forgive me if my questions offended any of you.
I've gained so much from the contributors of this forum and realize that there must people with far more to loose than I ever had to consider. So much of my family is still in the "truth" (in varying degrees)and my personal approach seems to have done little to open anyone else's eyes.
Whatever shunning I've received has been lessoned by people who haven't entirely cut me off and with some patient conversation, logic, objectivity, and the "real truth" some have even accepted that I have disassociated myself with the organization but actually grown in my relationship with Jehovah. I'm very fortunate in that regard.
In thinking about those forced to go out in FS, the story came to mind of Jeremiah Denton, the Vietnam POW (now Senator) forced make a video by the NVA denouncing the USA envolvement in Vietnam.... Off camera, gunmen were threatening his life. He read what they forced him to read but continued to blink out the word "t-o-r-t-u-r-e" in Morse code.
I'll be paying very close attention to the blinking habits the next time my door bell rings.
I love all of you that are searching for the truth and striving to do God's will... I hope I can be an asset instead of a stumbling block in your escape!
Gordon -
GordonD..There are all kinds of DuB`s(JW`s) here..As long as thier honest and truthfull,they will do well here...OUTLAW
darth frosty
Reading some of the replies to this thread and a thought occured to me. For those that go out in service and merely read a helpfull scripture to the householder and move on (without leaving the society material) are they doing more harm than good in the long run. An example, you go read your helpfull scripture and move on, this leaves the householder with a good impression and the next time a hard core dub stops by the householders defenses are down and more succeptible to the J-dub conditioning program. Just a thought.
Even though my dad is an elder (not the PO though) and I confronted my parents about my doubts and just threw everything out there: U.N., Dateline, 607 is wrong, etc., he didn't throw me to the lions (the other elders). He just said he wanted me to get those apostate lies out of my head. So he's on red alert so I'm laying low for now. darth frosty: I don't know. Maybe I should throw in that we don't need to belong to an org. to please God?
I'm forced to.
My mother makes me do all that stuff, despite her knowing that I think it's a lie. And my family SUPPORTS her. But I also do as little as I can. I go out in service, because I have to. If I don't I lose everything that makes life barely tolerable. And there's nothing I can do with the government looking over my shoulder. If I run, they bring me back. And I'm too tough to plee "mental abuse", because it's just not enough to make me crazy (It's damn close, but the laws considering Minors are crap in USA) .
I have no mind of my own, no soul, and no freedom of religion. Basic rights have been stripped from me. Apparently, blood does NOT run thicker than water. And it doesn't run thicker than the CRAP that is discharged from the bowels of the WBTS. -
sorry to hear about your plight, ah how i remember 16:)
in the usa, is there not a 'freedom of religion' thing? just wondering from those who live there,thanks
Of course there is. But when you're raised a dub, your parents will want to appear like no one opposes the borg.
Welcome Gordon,
hang around awhile and you will get the picture. forum participants and non-participating lurkers run the gamut from one end of the spectrum of never-being Witnesses or even religious or believing persons to currently active Witnesses in very responsible positions.
It is my operating philosophy that Witnesses desiring changes are going to help revolutionize the entire faith and organization so again hang around awhile and ....
Witness the Revolution
G'day Gordon.
As people have said, some people are so socially entrenched in the Dubs that to leave would be to leave family, friends, social circle etc. This forum provides a point of reference, as those in this awful dilemma realise they're not unique or alone. I don't think many people have an epiphany and say " Right I've just realised this religion is a load of crap so I'm now leaving " It's a gradual thing. There are people who come on here who have pretty good positions too. The WTS must look at this site and wonder how many doubters and "fifth columnists" they actually have!
AnonyMouse - my heart goes out to you bro.
BTW Anyone know what happened to Trojan?