I have reached that point too. My church had been very active and involved in a ministry, and part of the reason we planned to build a new church was to increase the community services. We even had another ministry come out to help BUILD the building. However, once they came out it had been decided the money was not in the budget to do that 'just yet', so that they helped build the main building instead. Well, the food/clothes bank/community center idea was scrapped and even the existing food/clothes bank was CLOSED. So now there is this beautiful new building, and it isn't doing any community good. After that, several other things happened that tore the church apart, mostly stupid things that shouldn't happen among Christians, but mostly, the heart went out of it, IMO. It really became a church I no longer recognizedand I have started to consider other options. I really enjoy fellowship, but I am building other interest based relationships that are not dependant on church attendance. I still have my friends from that church however, there is not rejection because I stopped going. I just don't enjoy it anymore. I also have lost faith in the actual belief structure, but that happened gradually-I'm not sure where it began.
I no longer go to Church
by KW13 21 Replies latest jw friends
I have come to enjoy that there are many life trajectories, some parallel, some opposite, many simply different, and probably none identical to mine or yours. Some people you just cross once, others you walk a few miles with, most you never meet.
After I left JWs I have enjoyed a slow drifting through different shades of Protestant Christianity and finally out of it.
One thing I believe is that every step (including the JW ones) mattered and I don't regret any. It's not like you are looking for the right place to "start" your life. Your life started before you realised it did. Every "fresh start" is actually a continuation.
Needless to say, I tend to picture life through metaphors of movement rather than through metaphors of building.