I hope a JW saw me walking out of the courthouse basement this afternoon. There are two big banners pointing the way to EARLY VOTING beside the garage door I went through.
Yes Theodore, I excercised my right to vote YES on 2 moral issues on the Tennessee ballot, one of which will affect your ordained Jehovah's Witness ministers if it fails to pass. If you were as bright as you think you and the other GB members are then you would know about this amendment to the State of Tennessee Constitution. Seems as if it is voted down with a 50% plus 1 majority vote that is counted only if you also vote in the Governor's race, then your cult ministers will have to be registered with the State of Tennessee in order to do the following:
Preach a sermon or present a biblical talk
Officiate at a funeral or memorial service for the deceased
Officiate at a wedding ceremony
If this amendment does not pass and one of your cult's ministers refuses to officiate at a wedding that is not between a man and a woman he could be denied the ability to do any of the above mentioned functions as a minister. If he does not comply, he could potentially face prsoecution and incarceration.
Therefore, in an effort to keep this happening, I did my civic duty and placed a vote for this amendment.
If you had gotten off your duff and diligently researched this amendment you might have done your civic duty and encouraged your cult ministers who reside in the State of Tennessee to vote for this amendment. Now you know why voting is not necessarily political involvement but rather is, in many instances moral involvement.