Okay, I have a very imaginative mind. I have always loved the series Star Trek, until it went belly up in over kill. I always loved the thoughts it brought up, with what would happen if an alien species encountered a less advance or primitive species. How would that species see such technology? Well here is my take on the Bible
The Garden of Eden
This legend presents a couple of interesting things, in the way man is presented and controlled, and how God is talked about. It always makes me wonder, was the early forms of man and woman being grown in a lab. A lab that was stocked with plants in a controlled dome like environment. With man being feed well, kept under control and with species that were being cloned and created around him. Adam is never said to be aware of anything, other then Eden. Second, God is said to walk about the Garden and is not all knowing, as he is mentioned to be later. Perhaps God was the scientist. The person who talked to the humans and gave them guidance. Told them to remain naked, as they would know no different if he appeared to them naked as well. Maybe the tree of life was an area to the lab, that was the door to the real world and outside the area they roamed. Perhaps the real labs, were where people worked on scientific projects and experiments. Maybe a lab assistant, thinking that what they were doing was wrong, told the humans to enter the room and even left the door open. When they went into the door, they saw people dressed and saw experiments being done, maybe even terrible dissections on humans or things like that. This made them realize what they were, and they looked to clothe themselves, seeing that other people were dressed. When the scientist (God), found them and saw they were trying to cover themselves, he knew his controlled setting of experimenting was ruined and he flushed them out into the real world. Knowing this would happen one day, but frustrated, and to control them he told them to worship him as God and he never appeared to them again. Knowing that his legend would be more powerful.
Noah's ark
We always think this is something that happened here on earth. What if it really a legend of a alien species that came from a planet that was destroyed, to this world with the DNA of animals to fill this planet. Maybe it was the same people who landed her and started the Garden of Eden, with the DNA from their world. Making species and starting them in a controlled easy to watch environment, before they let them loss in the wild. Much like how wildlife preserves do today with the young of certain animals, when they care for them in labs and then release them in to the wild.
These are just a couple. I think about this at times, as it makes about 100% more sense then the literal interpretation of the Bible legends. If I saw this in a book that was ancient, I would buy that. I just think that we have to sometimes realize that the people who wrote these books, were not people born in 1950. They did not have degrees in science, literature and so on. These people did not even know what germs were, or understand the value of cleanliness for health. So perhaps they also saw things that happened in ancient times with this same ignorance and knowledge, that a child might see in their limited knowledge. I think it is fun to wonder ... more fun then attended a meeting with a bunch of closed minded freaks.
To add - I do not live by this stuff, so I am not into the church of Scientology. It is just something I think is fun to talk about.