Since whatever we believe isn't going to effect how long our lifespan is, believe whatever you want. Of course if there is an afterlife ........?
Ken P.
by free2beme 17 Replies latest jw friends
If I saw this in a book that was ancient, I would buy that.
It's out there the anicient Summarian text speak of the god's being from outer space.
To summarize what I'm saying here I was inspired by the 50 years of work done by Zecharia Sitchin who translated the ancient Sumarian text that was made ...
Check out Sitchin. Easier reading then Sitchin is the chariots of the Gods by Erich von Daniken
Also you might want to check out Children of the Matrix by David Icke You probably can find all 3 on Amazon. When the student is ready the teacher appears.
That would mean they would have to be with in 5 light years or less of us to make such a journey. If they were indeed that close their civilization would be emitting massive electro magnatic radiation in the form of radio waves, microwave and everyother wave in the spectrum. If that were so we would HEAR them before we could see them. At this moment our planet is flooding the local universe with our electro magnatic radiation. Any civilization within ear shot would know we exist and where to look for us.
Your premise of having to be 5 light years or less may be faulty based on our primitive understanding of quantum physics and science.
As far as any civilization within earshot would know we exist and where to look for us.
#1 Perhaps they do and are here and conduct experiments with us and deal with the less primitive of us. There are many accounts on the internet of this being the case.
#2 An advance civilization would view us as very barbaric, primitive and dangerous.
#3 just like a cow, pig, sheep, doesnt know why it is here,(to be consumed) perhaps we are being raised and harvested, (our invisable souls) by beings from beyond.
Just something to think about.
It's out there the anicient Summarian text speak of the god's being from outer space.
Read some of this information before, I should look in to it some more. I was interested to see how much Noah was in the legends and early writing. Plus, the mention of alien races long before we even thought of the idea. I watching something on it on History channel. The Christians they interviewed were laughing at it, the same way I would see Oz saying, do not look behind the curtian.
The fossil record for hominids is quite good now and the gaps are being filled. Its difficult to classify certain hominid finds as either Homo erectus or archaic man because of their being so intermediate in features. This strongly points to moderns as being descendants of the pre-sapien hominids, by simple evolutionary pressures. I don't think there's any need to postulate an ET influence. Unless someone can point to something specific in our genomes that suggests otherwise.
Flipping around through parallel universes seems more likely than traveling long distances through space.
Angels are material beings with advanced cloaking techniques.
The Bible is a capsule of vital information for mankinds survival through a serious crisis that will bring civilization to its senses.
It had to be writen as a religious book so that it would be copied. Most of it is nonsense but the sections about surviving the great tribulation are critical.