Racism in the watchtower - Help me stop these lies!

by LeahJasmine 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • fokyc

    Well, LeahJasmine whoever you are....it sounds like it's time you opened your eyes!!

    I've just read the said article and it seems pretty clear to me that he's not a liar.

    Me too, fokyc

  • jgnat

    Well, extreme articles like that hurt the cause, IMO.

    I don't find the local JW's to be bigoted against other cultures and races...as long as they are Jehovah's Witnesses. I, on the other hand, am treated very badly, as I am not "one of them". JW's are bigoted against anyone who is not JW.

    P.S. It's descended to the point where a JW will not deem to talk to me unless the topic comes straight from the Watchtower. I found out a local brother was a Johnny Cash fan, and asked if he'd read his biography?

    You'd think I'd touched him with a cattle prod, he ran away so quickly.

  • rebel8

    You're right, OP--you shouldn't allow lies to be spread or believe someone's opinion without checking the facts yourself.

    Here is a list of citations from watchtower literature. You should check them for yourself so you can defend the truth:



    I live in an area where there are several larger, urban communities as well as middle-upper class suburbs all within driving distance of each other. When I was helping out a foreign language cong. 15 yrs ago driving to one of the cities I noticed that the CO's that served the city area (the CO appartment was at the kingdom hall) were almost always black. In the area where I lived, since on numerous occasion's I did attend in english especially CO visits I noticed that the CO's were almost always white. Urban-Black Suburban-White. Hmmm.....

  • LeahJasmine

    Well, thank you all for this informaiton. I guess I took it too personally, and thought he was calling me a racist. Now I understand that we have made mistakes and learned from those and are better for it. I am new to the JWs and still leanring our history.

    Thanks again all!


  • buriram

    Leah get out quick while your still new.

  • megsmomma

    Leah...the problems with the JW's usually are not the indivisuals that are in each congregation....But with the teaching they have been taught to follow and believe without even knowing their own history. You may be able to find some info here and help some people see some facts! God Bless you Leah!

  • kid-A

    "I am new to the JWs and still leanring our history."

    "And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you."
    Friedrich Nietzsche

  • Nosferatu
    Please help me. Go to this site and leave comments stating that these accusations are pure lies. Everything is on the line. We can't allow lies like these to spread.

    Okay, I'll do that next time the Watchtower gets a prophecy right.

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