can some one tell me where i go when i die? where is 'heaven' ? will i see a light and then hang in limbo? can someone tell me whats turth?!
this one thing i ask
by soulsearcher 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
What my husband told me to do when I asked him that question was to look up Heaven in the back of the Bible and read all the parts on it. It was just what I wanted to know. It deepend MY personal relationship with our creator and no one could have just "told" me what that was. I hope this helps....try it!
There are only guesses and hopes, no truths, ultimately.
Besides, why are you asking other people these questions? You need to seek within yourself for any answers.
Wasanelder Once
When you die you will know for sure. Until then, focus on living. Everything tends towards life. The only things we know for sure about death are the physical aspects. We end, we decay and are reunited with the components of the planet. These are undeniable truths. We can observe these and accept them because there is no denying their properties. This is why the borg seemed so appealing. At least they accept those facts. Anything beyond that is all speculation. Of course there are those who swear to having experience with "spirits" and disembodied individuals. I dont judge that anymore. I have my opinion, but that's irrelevent in as much as no one can prove a personal experience and as such it should remain. Its what is done with them later that is part of the great fabrication we come up with to release the seeming futility. People say search within yourself. It amounts to coming to terms with this eventuality with your own coping strategy.
Live long and prosper.
where i go when i die?
in a box in the ground?... in an urn?.... your ashes spread where ever you wish?
As for me, i hope to come full circle... Maybe eaten by a wild animal, and sh** out on the ground.... I mean why die a useles death of old age and disease?
where is 'heaven' ?
it's kinda like this..... get yourself a bedmat or sleeping bag.... Drive out to the country on a clear night (if you live in a big or even small city) preferably on a mountian top... lay your bedmat/sleeping bag on the ground... get horizontal.... now stare straight up into the night sky... and batta-boom.... you just found heaven... stay there till your heart is content....
will i see a light and then hang in limbo?
ummm... I dunno... haven't crossed that bridge yet... neither has anyone who has, come back to tell me the answer... maybe you/I/we will see a light.... but hanging in limbo?... I highly doubt it...
can someone tell me whats turth?!
the truth is, we all gotta go someday... that's the only gauruntee in life.... The truth is, Life is great, wake up and live..... The truth is, life is too short to worry about the answers to all of the above questions...
as a side note: I spent to much of my life trying to answer the same questions... now i just "live"
You have heard that ignorance is bliss? Welcome to bliss. We don't have all the answers. We don't even have most of them.
But we can promise you this, most of us won't pretend to know what we don't know.
AuldSoul -
I wouldn't put too much stock into the bible. As others have said previously, live life while YOU ARE STILL BREATHING. If you go somewhere, great, if you cease to exist than fine - either way up until the point you are on your death bed you will have the satisfaction of knowing you did all you wanted to do - that is the key to life. The WTS has forced their people into putting all of there eggs into one basket and postponing the present for a promised future. If it never happens or there is no future paradise and this life IS IT then they truely are the most miserable of all humans. Regardless, the future is now, and NOW is YOUR future...
First soulsearcher you have to figure out what a soul is to know if it goes anywhere. Remember they say the soul is just another word for the body. Is it?
"And he stretched himself out on the child three
times, and cried out to the Lord and said, "O Lord my
God, I pray, let this child's soul come back to him."
Then the Lord heard the voice of Elijah; and the soul
of the child came back to him, and he revived."(HMMMMMM if the soul is the is it this soul goes somewhere?)
Revelation 6:9-10
"When He opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar
the souls of those who had been slain for the word of
God and for the testimony which they held."(HMMMMM how do BODIES get into heaven??????
Why would Paul say that if our earthly tent (BODY) is destroyed we have a place in heaven?
Jehovah's witnesses say soul NEVER means distinct from
the body or the individual person.
1 Thessalonians 5:23 disagrees.....
"May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept
blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ."
Jehovah's witnesses say when the person dies, the soul
dies. But Genesis 35:18-19 says in the New World
Translation.."and the result was that her soul was
going out" (there goes that soul traveling again!!)
Jehovah's witnesses say that God did not create people
to go to heaven....
2Corinthians 5:1 says..."Now we know that if the
earthly tent we live in is destroyed, (our bodies) we
have a building from God, and eternal house in heaven,
not built by human hands.
I thought of this:
Here is Adams body laying on the ground. Just a body right? But when God brought him to Life he BECAME a living soul. He became who he was, to function the body. IF the soul goes out, the body dies... if the soul returns it lives.
So there is a body and a soul. Again FUNNY.... they spent so much time in the back of the NWT proving their soul theory. (yes theory) but did not denote one page on spirit!!!!!! Why should they. It would blow their whole concept of what we are!!!!!!!!! Tons and tons of scriptures on spirit and they want to say it is our breath!!!
The most important thing God gave us they took away. We need the Holy Spirit to intwine with Our spirit to accept Jesus into our lives. Paul said in 2Tim 4:22 "The Lord be with Your Spirit." Wasn't it the Holy Spirit that Jesus said would come and be IN US.
1 Thessalonians 5:23 says: "May your Spirit, Soul and body be kept blameless." Clear enough for me to see we are made of three parts, each with a purpose.
The spirit is not our breath. Zechariah says God forms the spirit of man within him!!
Isaiah night his spirit longed for God and his spirit within him seeks him.
How can the spirit of men be breath when 1Corinthians says our spirit is capable of thought? It says who knows the thoughts of a man except the spirit that is in him. (HMMMM now they got "breath" thinking)
So man does not become a spirit...HE HAS a spirit.
That is why Jesus and Stephen could commit their spirit to the Lord!If you come to believe that we have a soul and spirit that goes somewhere then we can read the bible to find out where it goes. So I did...and it goes to heaven...or hell.
Like I said, don't put to much stock in the bible...
Ecclesiastes 12:7- "Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return to God who gave it.
Ezekiel 18:4 All souls are mine.
Acts 24:15- there shall be a resurrection of the dead, both the just and unjust.
John 5:25-29 All in their graves
Matthew 5:5
Revelation 20:11,12 21:7,