I think it’s great you want to check out the jw history and stand up against lies. I too, hate it when someone lies and deceives me. When I was told that the wts had often predicted and gave dates for Armageddon, I didn’t believe it and tried to do research on wt publications.
Getting the truth or new light through the pages of the wt, one only needs to point to the written wt material in order to get a true answer to anyone making claims about jws. If anyone makes quotations of wt writings to support his claims, check out if the quotation is accurate. Misquotations are lies, but finding the quotation "word-for-word" directly in the wt publication means that it is true. So it is always best to make a note of the quotation and check out your own wt library or the one at the kingdom hall. There are also many older wt publications available online, let us know if you would like a link to the downloads.