Local Worldies Get Night of Payback for Entire Year of Pesky Door-Knocking

by Check_Your_Premises 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Check_Your_Premises

    APUPI - Pensacola

    "They just won't stop knocking" gasped local elder John Swollenliver as he described the relentless barage of trick-or-treaters beating on his door. "Why do they keep knocking on the door! They keep knocking and knocking and knocking and knocking and knocking!" shrieked elder Swollenliver as he descended into madness.

    "We know you are in there!!! Don't you want to give us some tracts!!! How about a free, home-based bible study!!! C'mon invite me to a convention!!!" cried out the angered focus of the local life-saving preaching work.

    "Those bastards woke me up every Saturday last summer" explained the father of young Ralphie Snipple. "Yeah, little Ralphie wanted to be a power ranger, but I knew that wouldn't scare the crap out of those damn door-knockers, so I had him dress like Ray Franz!!!".

    Apparantly Ralphie enjoyed the opportunity for a little payback as well, "Ok, like first of all, they would always interrupt my Saturday cartoons." he explained. "But the thing that really got me pissed was when my friend Johnny Spewack's mom joined this bunch. Now he can't ever play cuz he is always at some meeting. He says if it wasn't for me sneaking him some of my candy he would just snap. What a bunch of crap!" He continued to beat on elder Swollenliver's door shouting, "Hey we got a smurf out here!"

    Despite the all the cowering by Jehovah's chosen people in the face of the horrifying persecution of small, festive children asking for candy, some are not so easily intimidated.

    On the other side of town, Sister Cantfindabrother is more resolute, "ok, those little demonic bastards can enjoy their night of striking fear into the hearts of the friends, but for the next 364 days, their little rotting-at-Armageddon asses are mine!" she said washing down her anti-depressant pills with her fifth rum and coke. "I will start a study with your mothers and convince them that Jehovah doesn't want you to play little league. Next year you little minions of satan-the-devil will be carrying a service bag instead of a trick or treat bag" she shrieked and cackled maniacly into the night before passing out repeatedly mumbling, "What a world, what a world, what a world".

  • BluesBrother

    LOL...bad taste but

  • Tigerman

    Beautiful ! I love it ! Give us some more !

  • love2Bworldly

    Hee Hee I enjoyed your post.

  • Chameleon

    "so I had him dress like Ray Franz." Priceless.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    I love it, especially the dressing as Ray Franz part.

  • james_woods

    It is ironic that they about the only people on earth actually scared of little neighbor kids dressed up like Sadaam Hussein or such...I once actually watched my ex-wife make a tiny little oriental neighbor kid cry on halloween night.

    She was a 4 year old Korean adopted kid about 3 feet tall and dressed up like a pumpkin. Turns out she was herself kind of scared to go door knocking (how I know about that feeling)...and was not exactly up for a lecture on true religion, demons, and sin.

    She came back around a year or so later after we were out and we tried extra special to be super nice to her.

  • Sam87

    yeah i must agree the Ray Franz part was the best!

  • carla

    hahahahahahahahhahahahahahha, Happy Halloween!

  • MinisterAmos


    I went out candy hunting with my 3 y/o tonight, and made it a point to check out the local JW neighbors.

    I saw the light of their TV (they are the only ones with no wooden privacy fence in the entire neighborhood) so decided they deserved a bell ringing...and another....and another......and a knock and a jack-o-lantern present after dropping my daughter at home for not responding.

    I knew they would never answer so felt free to keep banging away, after all I saw them in there!

    And that's how we do it in service too. If you think they are at home keep bugging the crap out of them until they answer.

    Any reason you datelined Pensacola?


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