I knew they would never answer so felt free to keep banging away, after all I saw them in there!
And that's how we do it in service too. If you think they are at home keep bugging the crap out of them until they answer.
Any reason you datelined Pensacola?
Yeah, that was my take on it. That is great that you pestered them! I took my 3 year old out for the first time last night. We went to the first house and I said with carefully chosen words, "ok sweetie, here is your first door!". Exquisite. And I told the people who answered that they got the honor of her first trick or treat.
I walked a 3 year old around the block, who was dressed like a princess, and got about 20 peices of candy dropped into a pillow case.
My what a despicable sinner I am. I am sure Jehovah is quite furious with me.
Pensacola? That is where the newstory came out of!!! I am a serious journalist!!!
Or maybe it rhymes with Frankie and Lola? Maybe I spent a little time in that neck of the woods? Hard to say.
Happy Halloween!!!