It really pigs me off now when i think back to what i was told to get rid of when i was studying.My collection of Stephen King books, my new madonna like a prayer record that i loved, my alice cooper and guns and roses album. I was even told not to listen to classical music because some of the composers led such debauched lives!Also any film with an 18 certificate was a nono in case others were stumbled - even though i have seen other jws reading stephen king books and watching 18 cert films and my husband had the complete Madonna collection!And of course depeche modes 'personal jesus' song which i loved. And my Lost Boys album and video cos it was about vampires.I was just wondering what sort of things were you told you should get rid of and why?
What did you throw out when u became a JW?
by dobbie 26 Replies latest jw experiences
I was raised a JW, so I didn't have to throw anything out.. except once when my ex-hubby decided he didn't like some of my books so I had to burn them.. I've re-bought every single one since then :)
My gold cross! Pictures of Churches,a set of dishes with Churches on them.A valuable set of wooden goddess with gold necklaces ( real gold) around their necks that my sailor brother-in-law brought back from India.
UGH!!!! dont remind me....
we threw out all our holiday stuff and my hubby who was getting out of the Navy threw out (yes you heard me) his medals! I was horrified. My hubby got the Naval achievement medal which is a very high honor during the gulf war in the 90's - and I told him he would regret getting rid of it. And he does. But now that we are out of the borg. he has been contacting the proper agencies to get copies of his medals which he gave to our son to hold. My son is an army/navy fiend and has his bedroom decorated like that. He does not want to join the military though but wants to be a special forces type police officer when he grows up. Lilly
I was raised in, so I did just the opposite. I would never have thrown out any of my albums or books. I had every single Iron Maiden album, several Stephen King books, among much more.
All of my "worldly" friends, my husband popped off the cross on my heart necklace, different music including my Linda Ronstadt tapes and Abba tapes and others. Clothes that were not "appropriate" to JWs, free will, thinking for myself, sacrificing down time w/my little kids (4 of them). And my list is not in order of importance by any means.
Oh Juni...
I was raised a JW, so it wasn't throwing out so much as it was sitting off the side not being allowed to have any treats when the room mothers brought in cupcakes for birthdays or holidays. And wondering why the worldy kids tended to be nicer than the iron clad snobs in the congregation. And that would a cupcake really keep me from seeing The New World. I think my first act of rebellion was breaking down in 3rd grade and eating the valentine's candy, it was a small step but I knew I would find myself a god. A god who didn't make the daily act of living an impossible burden of both showing love to everyone but hating those in the world. A god of peace. A god of cupcakes.
I was raised in it, but I had a lot of cds. I was reinstated after my first DFing and I wasn't magically better and I was really stressed out trying to do every last possible thing the "right way" to bring this peace of mind I was told would come. Yeah right. So my dad said I was being unduly influenced by my music and accused me of not being able to come up with original thoughts because I was always singing verses that had to do with whatever people were talking about. I love music!!! So I took my collection of almost 100 $12-18 cds and took them around and gave them away. U2, Sublime, the Cure, Depeche Mode, so many many more. I actually threw the Sublime ones away because they sang about drugs. So, like about 2 months later I realized the music was not the problem and left for good. Thank god for Limewire. Also, when I was little, I got a unicorn plastic thing somehow, and my mom took a knife and sawed off its horn and stuck a flower in the hole. This was at the time I thought stuffed animals had feelings. I wanted to believe in fairies and unicorns and stuff. WTF?
I was born into it so I never had to throw anything out.
However, my ex-in laws were Catholic and they had A LOT of expensive gold cross necklaces. My ex-mother-in-law told me that they had diamonds, rubies, sapphires and other precious stones in them. They were told to get rid of them so they took them to the swampy area behind their house and threw them in there. They were told it would not be proper to sell them or to give them to any family members who where still Catholic.
This story circulated through our hall and a brother actually asked her if he could come by with his metal detector and try to find them so that HE could sell them. The nerve!
I have a feeling that my ex-mother-in-law never really wanted to be a Witness but she was an "old fashioned girl" and went along with whatever her husband wanted them to do.
My brain. After that everything went to hell.