Has anyone ever met any members of the Governing Body?

by *jeremiah* 22 Replies latest jw experiences

  • *jeremiah*

    Has anyone ever met any members of the Governing Body?

    When I was 11 my family and I took a trip to New York and visited Bethel or whatever. We took a tour through the, i think it was called the Home Office or something. As soon as we reached the second floor some old dude came out of a room and our female tour guide just broke out in tears. My mom figured it out right away and then she broke out in tears of joy too. Me and my four brothers were like what the F. This guy came right up to us and proceeded to be a major A$$. He didn't even say hello or shake our hands or anything, but he went straight to grilling us on JW doctrine. None of the easy stuff either.....like the answers that we loved to answer,....Jesus, Jehovah, Satan, 144,000. We couldn't answer any of his questions and he wasn't pleased. He wanted us to study all the literature better and more thoroughly. Then that was it,...and he just walked away.

  • Chameleon

    That's lame. He's probably dead now. One of the GB dudes looked like a very shriveled up version of Col. Sanders. Hahaha.

  • sir82

    Sounds like George Gangas. He was infamous for drilling JWs on stuff they "should have known".

    And yes, he has long since returned to the dust.

  • hambeak

    Yes I met several N. H. Knorr seemed like a kind old guy. Fred Franz seemed distant. Ted Jaracz very authoritarian and intimidating. Milton G. Henschel aloof and assuming. None seemed like real people to me. I was a young teenager when I met these guys. a couple of them had dinner at our home and I thought we were entertaining saints at the time God I wish I knew then what I know now.

  • under_believer

    I met (and accidentally bodily tackled to the ground) Fred Franz.

    I know and have gone out in service with Guy Pierce (though I doubt he remembers me.)

  • Chameleon

    George Gangas looked like a turtle.

  • Honesty

    I met Dan Sydlik. He was gentle and kind in a chameleon sort of manner.

    Oh well, he's gone to his 'reward.' I hope he likes it where he is now.

  • Seeker4

    I met Knorr and Fred Franz when I was a teenager. I interviewed Carey Barber and his wife on a special day program. I've had Barber over for dinner.

    I've also met Leo Greenlees, Ewart Chitty (both removed from the GB) and also Ray Franz - his story we all know. I spent a few days with Milton Henschel and his wife at a DC. Sam Herd was the last DO I had before I left the Witnesses, and he taught one of the last elder schools I went to. I traveled to Peru, SA, with John Booth, for a DC there. I met Gangas at Bethel.

    I can't think of his name right now, but I had a meal with one other, English, who had been a missionary in Japan. Perhaps it was John Barry? Oh yes, I also met Karl Klein at Bethel.

    They were, except for Franz and Knoor, and that might be because I was young and impressionable, quite unremarkable. I was also surprised to find that they were not too intellectually rigorous and not especially spiritual or even knowledgable about the Bible. I remember talking with Henschel about Ecclesiastes, and he referred me to his wife!


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Several in 'handshake sessions' at DC's - Barber and Barry were two of them I think.

    Steve Lett was our CO before they moved him to NYC then to Bethel. I was out in service with him several times, at meals with them, etc. I found him to be quite a nice and helpful man, and humble at the time at least. He took time to 'readjust' my thinking during a period of inactivity - for that I cannot thank him, as it put me back in the org for another 15 yrs before I figured it out.


  • Kaput
    I know and have gone out in service with Guy Pierce (though I doubt he remembers me.)

    He'd remember you if you slipped him a c-note.

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