south african beef
I couldn't care less how many cameras are looking at me every day as I have nothing to hide.
Just must make sure that I've combed my hair before I leave the house!
You know, I have nothing to hide either. But just suppose your government decides that something you do, innocently enough to you, is illegal.
I don't know about you, but whether I'm engaging in illegal activity or not, I don't want someone watching over my shoulder every move I make.
How about you test it out. Ask your mother to walk behind you, watching everything you do, for a month or more, every day. I don't know about you, but that creeps me the hell out!
There's also sod all we can do about it!!!!!!!!!!
You really feel that way? If this is a common enough feeling across the pond, then I'm afraid the state of affairs there is worse than I'd imagined.