What are some personal truths you now believe in after leaving the WT?

by lovelylil 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Honesty

    What are some personal truths you now believe in after leaving the WT?

    The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society has never been appointed by God to represent Him.

  • Narkissos

    Daystar: enjoyed your list -- down to its formal contradictions.

  • rebel8
    There are no truths, only practical, working, theories, about absolutely anything.
    Totally! And...

    • It is much more important to live a satisfying, moral, meaningful life than to spend energy and time trying to please human religious leaders/members.
    • It is unproductive to spend time and energy trying to figure out if God exists, what He wants from us, etc. We are all free to follow a religion of our choosing--or none at all--but that doesn't make us better people or more worthy of eternal life than those who use that same time/energy living good lives.
    • If there is a God, He is worthy of worship, and He decides to make Himself known to humans some day during my lifetime, He will be pleased with how I spent my life.
    1. compound complex
      compound complex

      Dear Lovelylill and Friends,

      Love your list and quite agree. My basic approach now is to take it easy and not attempt to overturn and inspect every jot and tittle of my last forty plus years. I feel that in my already-begun-with-a-purpose exit from the OT religion into that of the NT, I am very concerned as to who Jesus really is and his role in my personal life. Also, my all-encompassing and all-embracing philosophy has become Peter's expression regarding the conversion of Cornelius et al. The one fearing God and working righteousness is acceptable to Him. Why did He ostensibly become "partial" (when clearly, He is not) toward only JW's?

      One thing I am not: horrified or repelled by what our once "United Brotherhood" has become. It has never been about unity but uniformity. Such diversity of thought and belief, now that we are free to explore. And who am I to say "You are wrong and I am right"? The unmasking of the WT has absolutely convinced me that the "wheat" is not contained in but one storehouse. Strange, ironic, that so many of us HAVE heeded the warning to flee false religion. Why is it that I no longer say "bad association" and "worldly"? I think it's pretty clear. Peace and love to all my dear, new friends!

      Yours truly,


    2. zagor

      mine would be at least two "Life is not a destination, is is a journey; and love makes it worthwhile"

      On achivement front would be another. In fact this statement is on my wall wherever I go. "How big we think, determines the size of our Accomplishments"

      It's amazing how well both of those work if you surrender to their respective underlaying beliefs.

    3. Stealth453

      1. There is no god.

      2. The bible is as authoritative as green eggs and ham.

      3. The watchliar sociopath society is.

    4. Abandoned

      I don't have faith that the bible is from god. Or if it is from god, then god isn't anyone worth knowing. The bible is full of things that while not outright contradictions, can be twisted in various ways. Every religion that uses the bible is able to find proof for their widely differing doctrine by using this same book. Most wars have been fought over whose interpretation of some inane passage is correct and whose is blasphemy.

      Now, I ask you. If you were the author of a book to tell people what you expected of them and you saw two people, both claiming to be your friend arguing over one particulary point, wouldn't you go over and set them straight? If you were all knowing, wouldn't you write it in such a way that it couldn't be misinterpreted in the first place? Unless of course you WANTED people to be mislead and have the means to mislead each other. If that was god's intention, I don't want a thing to do with him. I know some people who are emotionally disturbed that would never play that mind game on people they claimed to love. No, if the bible is from anyone, it's from an evil god. Or at least a malicious one.

    5. Mulan

      This is the real life, so live NOW

      The Bible is an ancient book with some good rules to live by, and some NOT

      Jesus was an amazing man, not a god man, not the son of god.

      People, for the most part, are well intentioned good people, worthy of talking to and getting to know

    6. Dismembered
      Re: What are some personal truths you now believe in after leaving the WT?

      That Watchtower is a dangerous high control group that I hope will be shut down.

      I wasted 25 years "chasing a cloud and trying to pin it down".

      I wasted 25 years "trying to hold a moonbeam in my hand"

      Life is really good in not having to meet with crackpots that made my blood coagulate

      Live for today, for tommorrow will be here all to soon


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