I was raised a JW and during the 1950's I experienced the ugly side of flag worship.
Date: 1960
Place: Midwestern industrial city.
Scene: School Gymnasium/Auditorium. 2,000 students assembled to recognize the foreign exchange students. Overcrowded facility because of the baby boom.
The assembly started with the American National Anthem. As a conscientious JW I remained seated. Next each of the foreign exchange students walked up to the platform to give a little talk. As they walked up they played the national anthem from their country.
Everyone stood up for these national anthems. As a conscientious JW I remained seated through 3 of these and there were another 3 to go.
My class mates started yelling at me to stand. Finally my homeroom teacher grabbed me by the ear and led me out in front of the whole student body and pulled me to the office still holding my ear. I sat there alone in the office wondering what was going to happen next. After the assembly it was time to go to homeroom. The vice-principal told me that I should go to homeroom.
Before I could enter my teacher said she didn't realize I was a JW. No apologies! I was to be greatful I wasn't expelled from school.
Even though I am not a 100% believer in JW's - To this day I hate, abhor, detest the rotten fruits of patriotism.
During WWII I had close relatives who were forced to move their mobile home from a county in Iowa by a frenzied mob led by the local American Legion who threatened to burn them down.
I detest that little red white & blue ribbon object in what is supposed to be a JW forum. I will not be responding to anything on this board again.
My web-page is going to be off Monday.
Have fun worshiping your red, white, and blue God.