Hi Proplog: Excellent post. I too recall this time in the 1950s. I went to a Catholic School and was not exposed to JW kids or the flag salute as an issue. We just simply saluted it and moved on.
While I love and respect my country and its flag, I fear the day if they try to pass a Constitutional Ammendment to prohibit its disresepct, burning. The Constitution is not for laws against the People's behavior, but to limit government, loaning it limited power to do limited things. But, worse yet, I want our nations to trust its own freedom engough to not force flag respect, making it an icon, but instead that people will not need force, but do it of their own desire. And to accept those that do not.
By the late 1960s I was studying with the JWs. It had become popular to be unAmerican and not respect the flag. But there was still a strong public support for patriotism. And while I was still studying, I attended an event supported by the Masons and Eastern Star for young men and women. Demolay for boys and Rainbow for girls. My lovely fiance' was in Rainbow, being promoted to some level. The program opened with the Flag salute followed by a big gushy speech about Flag and God and Country. I did not salute because my brains was turning into a Dub.
Those in attendance noticed my actions and galred at me with hatred. Then the Young Mason man noticed and after his Flag speech, he said not all saluted and asked for another salute and pledge. I felt the pressure, and placed my hand over my heart. My school friend next to me, though not a JW, knew of my changing beliefs, and took my hand down. He said, 'This is a free country, and if you don't believe in the Flag Salute, don't do it, no matter what everyone else pressures you to do.' I appreciated his support.
Today I salute the Flag out of a sensew of patriotism, appreciation, loyalty, and respect. But I will never worship it. And should the day come that Congress and the States pass some Constitutional Ammendment to prohibit flag burning or force salutations, then I will move to Canada. - Amazing