Just read today about a sect in England called "Lord's Witnesses".....

by rocky220 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • fullofdoubtnow
    This group has had serious difficulties with their bible code, which caused many people to call them false prophetsThis group has had serious difficulties with their bible code, which caused many people to call them false prophets

    Who does that remind you of? These guys seem to think that the jws were the "right" religion at one time, but became corrupt, and the lws took over. Judging by their fondness for predicting dates, it doesn't look like they learned much from the jws past failures.

  • Hannah

    To be fair, Gordon Ritchie is a really nice guy. His heart is in the right place and he tries hard to please God. I know this from several conversations I've had with him. Like most religions, he has some good ideas and some not so good ideas. Whether or not his church is the true religion is summed up in my belief that salvation belongs to God and not in man or an earthly organization to decide. After all, that would only be speculation. Faith in one religion is purely speculation as one can not be certain of anything unless God himself says so out loud in my face.

  • becca1

    Is he related to Madonna's hubby, Guy Ritchie?

  • moggy lover
    moggy lover

    "Living Waters" group??? Who in heck are they? I have heard of the "Lord's Witnesses" but this one is a new one on me. Anyone have any info? Are they US based or UK? Are they a breakaway from the Lord's witnesses? If so they they woud be a breakaway from a breakaway.

    Please Lord, give us a break


  • mouthy

    This applies to you too Mouthy.......don't let this apostate group suck you in. I'll pray for ya MouthyPLEASE DONT.....YOUR NOT SURE WHO YOUR PRAYING TO GUMBY...I LIKE THE WAY! TRUTH !LIFE! ANSWERING PRAY! for you to keep your integrity to Jehovah and his "true witnesses".____ They are your friends NOT MINE sweetie

    *says 3 hail Mary's for Mouthy*I suggest you leave any Mary's out of our conversation mate

  • minimus

    To many, C.T.Russell was a "nice guy" too but big deal!

  • Narkissos
    Sounds familiar...?

    Sounds British too...

  • Hannah

    For those interested in reading about them directly, there website is www.truebiblecode.com

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