I was raised in the truth but was not baptized.My wife is and enjoys going out in service but I have found out from her twin sister that while I was away in Alberta working she was cheating with a brother from her hall.After coming back and finding out about this and her telling me her sister is lying I found photos of them at dinners bowling and so forth, Also I found nude photos of her and after me talking with her and her lying about them that her sister took the photos the truth finally came out It was a man she met from her work that took them,this is a christen women who fears jehovah why would a person with such strong love for her religon do this.After me finding these things out she kicked me out of our house.... please help me find an answer.. because deep down I still love her..
need help
by jem12 16 Replies latest jw experiences
Why are you asking us? You should be talking to the elders from the congregation she goes to.
Wow my heart goes out to you. No idea at all how you feel. I hope you can find peace sometime in the future.
It doesn't sound like she loves you. It doesn't sound like you love you. It sounds like you deserve love and compassion more than she does right now. What do you think you should do?
Lady Liberty
Dear Jem,
First of all, welcome!! Boy what a sad thing to have to go through. Is your wife remorseful?? Do you have children together? I am sure you will get alot of good advise here. Hang in there, you are among friends!!
Lady Liberty
Ditto on that last one. If you love her and trully see a future with her, don't give up w/o a fight. But if you don't, take your walking papers and run.But whatever you do don't pretend to want her back just to make her miserable and get back at her. I am sure you are aware that form the WT point of view you are the injured party and the ball is in your court. If you say you forgive her and want her back she will not be free in the Wt's eyes. Either she gets back together with you and shows repentance (even if she does't want to) or she gets disfellowshipped. If you say it's over between you, there is a chance she won't get disfellowshipped if she palys her card right. So, think before you act. What she's done to you is terrible but don't add insult to injury if you really don't want her back. This may be a wonderful opportunity for you in the long run.
Are there children? Because if there are, I will give a different answer.
this is a christen women who fears jehovah why would a person with such strong love for her religon do this
Because she does not love you or her God as much as she let on.
1 Corinthians 13: 1 If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels but do not have love, I have become a sounding [piece of] brass or a clashing cymbal. 2 And if I have the gift of prophesying and am acquainted with all the sacred secrets and all knowledge, and if I have all the faith so as to transplant mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing.
Another urgent item, have you made sure she doesn't have access to your bank accounts and credit cards? While you were in Alberta securing your future, she disrespected you enough to play around with other men. When you confronted her, she kicked YOU out and kept the house.
She may care more for the material rewards you have to offer than your love. Protect yourself.
She may care more for the material rewards you have to offer than your love. Protect yourself.
Yes I agree with this statment. But I would take your questions to the elders.....