Okay, not so much murder, but yesterday I did kill a deer. I was driving my 18 wheeler thru Tennessee. It was around 5 in the morning. I was having a pretty good day when all of the sudden this deer appears on the road. Well like they say, you can't stop a truck on a dime. So now I am a killer. I've never killed anything larger than a rat in my life. Certainly nothing larger than myself. It feels kind of strange. I can't imagine how much it would hurt to be run over by a 40 ton vehicle. Each tire on a truck supports 6 to 8 thousand pounds. The poor thing didn't have a chance. It was pretty good sized for a deer. It left some pretty impressive damage on my truck. The front bumper was destroyed and I might even need a new hood, it was cracked in a few spots. The worst part was immediately after impact. They teach truck drivers that you are never to swerve or slam on your brakes to avoid hitting an animal. If you do and some human gets hurt as a result you could be in big trouble. So sure enough, yesterday morning, the moment finally arrived when I would have to do what I was taught. Of course it happened so fast that I couldn't have swerved or hit my brakes anyway. All I managed to do was tap my brake to disengage the cruise control a split second before impact. But like I said a moment ago, the worst part was right after that. The worst part was hearing it's body get smashed by the truck as it rolled over the poor thing. And I think part of it (the deer that is) got caught up on some part of my undercarriage, because I could here thay something was dragging under the truck for about 500 feet before it dislodged. At least it probably didn't suffer long. So am I weird for feeling bad about killing a deer?
I've committed murder!!!
by zugzwang 41 Replies latest jw friends
It's okay to feel bad, but it was an accident. You didn't do it on purpose.
Are you kidding me? I felt bad for killing a frog! Of course my kids were eyewitnesses to it. It happened like this:
my kids were about 2 and 4 and I was driving down the road in the family mini van when I spotted a frog in front of me on the right side of the road. The kids were sitting on the right side in the back of the car so I quickly yelled "kids look at the window at that big frog". They immediately looked over and at that very moment the frog leaped.........right into the front of the car. I crushed him! The kids looked out the back window and saw the dead frog in three different pieces. I FELT HORRIBLE!
They are now 12 and 14 and still tell people how I murdered the frog.
You didn't have any eyewitnesses did you? Anyway, you feel bad because you are a caring person. But sometimes things just happen. Hope you feel better hearing about my murder. Lilly
Better you in that truck, than some family in a car, don't you think?
It happened so fast, I am sure the animal only suffered for seconds.
Murder denotates intent to kill. It was an accident. Heck, seeing as how you rolled through Tennessee, you probably gave some Deliverance-type yokel his dinner!
Zugzwang (and the name comes from..........?)
My brother lives in Sweden.
Here they have MANY moose (Swedes know them as Elk)
Elk are bloody massive!! I mean.....HUGE!!!
They have the tendency to walk out in front of cars ( like your deer).
Very often they end up making a spectacular mess of the vehicle.
My brother's friend was killed by one this year. Came through the windscreen.
Don't worry about killing a deer.
I took me days to get over running over a sparrow. It flew under my wheel and sounded like a bag of potato chips being crushed. I still get upset thinking about it.
I took me days to get over running over a sparrow. It flew under my wheel and sounded like a bag of potato chips being crushed. I still get upset thinking about it.
A similar thing happened to me. Two sparrows were fighting in the middle of the street and I couldn't avoid them. Yes, they do sound like a bag of chips being crushed. I got mad at them for not moving out of my way and making me feel terrible.
Warlock (yes, I do have a heart in there somewhere)
Lovelylil, you reminded me that I had to disect a frog back in junior high school, but I'm pretty sure it was already dead before we did the disecting. And, no there were no eye witnesses, thank God. Eyewitnesses usually mean someone in a car behind me. Thankfully no one else was around. It was pretty early in the morning. Warlock, you are right. with the height of that deer if a passenger vehicle would have hit it, it is likely that the car would have taken the legs out from under it and the deer probably would have rolled over into the windshield and into the front of the car. So it definitely is better that a big truck hit it rather than a little car. I guess part of what is freaking me out is the whole "what if" factor. What if that would have been a human. Even rolling along at 20 miles an hour if a person steps out in front of a big truck there is still a pretty good chance that the driver won't be able to stop in time. And at 55 mile and hour or faster not only can't you stop in time but you would run completely over a person, possibly as much as 9 times if they were directly under one side of the truck. And I see a lot of people do a lot of stupid things everyday on the road. It's like they have no idea how heavy and how powerful these trucks are. I've been driving truck for 2 years now so I knew eventually I would hit something big, and I thought I was prepared for it. I guess not. Hopefully I can go another 2 years, at least, without hitting anything else bigger that the bugs on my windshield.