Hunting season here in the great North West. Too many deer in your neck of the woods it sound like you could have your fish and game send some our way. But not the one you ran over.
I've committed murder!!!
by zugzwang 41 Replies latest jw friends
Okay, not so much murder, but yesterday I did kill a deer. I was driving my 18 wheeler thru Tennessee.
I drive truck also. About 2 years ago I'm driving north on I-65 in Kentucky about 1am. There is another truck in front of me about 5 truck lenghts up. All of a sudden he whips his truck violently to the left as if to avoid something. It happened so fast. I saw a brown blurr. And hit something that lurched my truck into the air like I had hit a wall. The truck in front of me pulled over to the shoulder and I was able to pull over as well. I got out of my truck as this driver is walking back to me and I asked what did I hit. He said you hit a COW. We walked back about 50 yards and here sitting on the shoulder is this dead cow. He had hit the cow but just grazed it and it was still alive and standing when I hit it. There was a pasture along side the highway with a hole in the fence the cow got thru.
In England - you are allowed to keep road kill to eat.
Are you kidding me? I felt bad for killing a frog!
Another time I was driving along a 2lane country road in Tennessee late at night. The road was kind of hilly and I was going up and down hills. I top this hill and right in the road is this turtle. Big one too. There was absoultely nothing I could do I just heard CRUNCH CRUNCH.
Zeroday, I was on US Highway 127, two lane road in the middle of nowhere with no full shoulder. I couldn't have swerved if I wanted to. Actually the deer almost made it out of the way. Most of the damage was on the passenger side of the truck, so theoretically if I would have swerved into the other lane I might have missed it, then again if you do that that is when a car shows up in the other lane going the other direction.
Hopefully I can go another 2 years, at least, without hitting anything else bigger that the bugs on my windshield.
I've been driving 20 years now and have hit quite a few animals usually small ones. Hit pigions flying down from under an overpass into my windshild. Cats, has an owl swoop down in front of my truck hit him square. Impaled a bat on my front grill. Lots of birds. Had a whole swarm of birds fly into my truck just heard THUMP THUMP THUMP about 30 of them at once. It will happen.
so theoretically if I would have swerved into the other lane I might have missed it,
You are right better to hit it than to swerve you could swerve into a car and kill a family. I was on another 2lane road in Kansas one early morning and a mule deer jumped into my path. About the size of a horse. I knew I couldn't miss it and just braced for the impact. Better to hit it straight on that to swever and roll the truck. Luckly it bolted away before I hit it.
However once I did run off the road onto the shoulder just to run over a snake.
A few months back, in Jersey, I ran over something, a dog maybe. It was also on a two lane road and several vehicles in front of me ran over it as well. It was likely already dead whatever it was.
Organic material dissipates with traffic.