Mom nearly ate me alive!

by Anony-Mouse 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • JWdaughter

    587/607 are both pointless, because all of the predictions they used based on that date did not happen except in their own fevered imaginations. That the JWs have the wrong date is secondary to the fact that they made a prediction based on the wrong date-and even with the right date, the prediction was wrong. All the predictions LEADING from that date were wrong. Basically nothing to do with 1914 has been proven, all the interpretations about that date have changed when the predictions were proven to be wrong (generations etc). 1914, if you educate yourself well on it can be your secret weapon still.

    I personally think that the WT stance on blood alone is provably false biblically and their consistency in its application is so false as to be laughable-except that it has proven so fatal. Those two things, if you educate yourself very fully on them, and focus strictly on them should show her what the religion is worth. Not much ethically or morally, though quite property rich. But isn't that just LIKE organized religion?

  • DevonMcBride

    That should be your secret weapon, *1914*. For that to be the year they were to have the "food at the proper time" Jerusalem would have to have fallen in 607. I chalenge you to find a sorce outside the WTS who uses this date. You won't be able to because evidence shows that it actually fell in 586BCE not 607. When I realized this I was free of the WTS. If the WTS is wrong about this date,607, then 1914 is wrong, 1919 is wrong, Christ didn't start ruling in heaven, no faithfull and discrete slave at this time, the whole premise crumbles.

    I agree. I used this same subject when speaking to a Witness. The Encyclopedia Britannica has the evidence you need to prove the 586 date. Since the WT quotes the Encyclopedia Britannica in some of their publications, it must be a reputable source.

  • Honesty

    Ask her the following then take cover because a nuclear event is likely to occur in the immediate vicinity:

    Has God ever changed His promises?

    Can God lie?

    Look at the masthead on page 4 of any AWAKE from 1989 until 1994.

    It reads, "the Creator's promise of a peaceful and secure new order before the generation that saw the events of 1914 C.E. passes away."

    Now, look at the masthead on page 4 of any AWAKE from 1996 until present.

    It reads, "the Creator's promise of a peaceful and secure new world that is about to replace the present wicked, lawless system of things."

  • Anony-Mouse

    "Anony-mouse you are really cute."

    Why, thank you :P .

    "1) does she know you are online?"

    No. I kinda let slip that I had been looking at info online. I didn't realise that 'wikipedia' sounds like 'wiccanpedia' to the untrained ear. She probably thought I was looking at doom spells :P . So she changed the password on me. It was easy enough to change it back, get a keylogger, let her try to sign on, then change it back.

    "If you think hispanic is a race your way off on evolution."

    Oops :P . Maybe I was thinking more along the lines of a group of people. There are many spanish descended people in south america and north america.

    "f the WTS is wrong about this date,607, then 1914 is wrong, 1919 is wrong, Christ didn't start ruling in heaven, no faithfull and discrete slave at this time, the whole premise crumbles."

    She will claim the WT is correct, and everyone else is wrong. It always is....

    "The line of Egyptian kings we no of date back more than 4000 years
    The number of animals that could fit on the ark was very limited, once accounting for a years supply of food and water as well.
    How did marsupials get to Australia. Did Koalas paddle across in canoes. Somehow they got to Aus in 4000 years without living traces and children in other countries.
    There are volcanic ash mountains in France that are millions of years old. A global flood would have washed the ash away.
    No wooden boat the size of an ark has or could be made as its size twists too much and would leak."

    I like these. I told her that once history started getting recorded, life spans dropped to normal. As if they were never so long. But that australian thign is great, I never thought of it. I knew about the boat thing, I belive it's called hogging. The ark would split in half without an actual boat shape, along with some special ribs inside the hull.

    Never heard of them...I wonder why :P. But I did some math. My uncle said at a door today that every house in the world will get the KN37 message. But only 300 million of 6.5 billion actually will. And that's if everything worked out perfect, and it never does.

    "Can God lie?

    Look at the masthead on page 4 of any AWAKE from 1989 until 1994.

    It reads, "the Creator's promise of a peaceful and secure new order before the generation that saw the events of 1914 C.E. passes away."

    Now, look at the masthead on page 4 of any AWAKE from 1996 until present.

    It reads, "the Creator's promise of a peaceful and secure new world that is about to replace the present wicked, lawless system of things.""

    She will go nuts about the 'light getting brighter'. I can't get past it, because she never will. It's the one thing keeping thier religion alive. I used a variation of that once.

    People kept saying that 'God was making sure they were faitful.' But it says that god will not test you. And if he said that, he can't be lying.

  • PrimateDave

    Frankly, I would suggest that you don't get into arguments with your mother (or anyone else for that matter). It is enough that you believe what you do. However, if you must attack your mother's beliefs, you must attack the Bible using the Bible itself. For that I can recommend one book in particular available online for free:

    Starting in Chapter 2 it gets interesting. It is not a perfect book, but it has enough to keep you reading. You may find something that can get your mother to think. But before you present what you think is a convincing argument, look up what kind of counter-argument the Society has presented in the WT CD-ROM. Believe me, the old men in Brooklyn have heard it all. Still, you may come up with something that even she will agree with. If you enjoy that book you might consider:

    Hope this is helpful. Dave

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    The 1914 thing - watchtower lterature shows that it was supposed to be the end (and 1874 for that matter) - they were wrong - flat out wrong - falsely prophesised - tell your mom that - and then they made up the story about Jesus coming invisibly.

    Shoot, I could say that about tomorrow - "hey tommorrow Jesus is coming to judge you invisibly, and he'll be keeping a record of it" - and tomorrow there won't be anything that proves me wrong.

    And the door to door work ? "do not go from house to house"

  • Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit
    Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit

    I'm loving the a new JWs and the use of blood routine, dig this:

    They can now take in a dozen plus fractions derived from blood, which calls for the Jedi Logic derived from another poster a month or so back: I can't eat a whole pizza, but if you slice it up into fractions I'm in. . .

    So the question is, Dear Mom and Dad, Can I donate blood now? and if not, can I just donate some fractions? It would help so many people, and we know how Hohos like to help people. . .

  • 2112

    One thing you could ask your mom is this: "If she was out in service, and found someone who belonged to a religion that taught everything the Bible says and followed it to the letter. However their religon had just one "wrong" teaching, would she tell that person to leave their religon and be a JW." When she says yes then ask "Even if the "wrong" teaching was just a small thing?" She will most likely will still say yes.

    Then ask her "Would you drink a glass of water with only one small drop of poison in it?" Of course she will say no. Then the question is why is it ok for your religon to put "small drops of poison in the water and expect you to drink it.

    Also study and understand the scriptures about Michael and the WT's ever changing teaching about who he is/was/will be. This is a purely scriptural discussion that can be used to plant seeds of truth about Jesus and seeds of doubt about the WT. It is a good starting point. With any conversation try and remember it is not weather you "win or lose" as you will rarely "win" in one conversation. Don't lose your temper or feel foolish if they seem to be "winning". That is what they are trained to do - Win at all costs, even if they distroy their own family and friends. They only care about looking superrior to every non-JW. Lood luck in future conversations and as has been mentioned she is your mother.

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