My take on this is that the JWs are desperate for able-bodied men to do this, that, and the other thing at the congregation (i.e. grunt) level, and so you are basically screwed. They WILL force you to accept.
I'm scared and I need help
by Chameleon 37 Replies latest jw friends
If not, thank god, but if I am, I'm in deep crap.
Young man, with an attitude like that, you are never going to become a District Overseer!!!
AK - Jeff
Much good advise has been rendered here.
I would only add this; Once declining the MS position - begin your 'fade' immediately. Drop your fs hours, then begin to miss some meetings, then eventually more. By the time you have the degree in hand, and a good job, you should be 'inactive'. The elders will be wagging their heads in wonder as to 'what happened'? Then later, from your own base of operations, you can begin to work on the best way to help elder Dad and family to exit.
You have the enviable position of being able to plan the whole strategy at this point. Good luck to you.
couldn't u just accept and then just do a half assed job, i dont remember MS's having that much responsibility anyway. either they will remove you or just not assign anything important to you and you'll get the hot chicks in ur hall, its a win-win. and if ur in the spanish than i'm sure there are a lot of hot chicks, i grew up going to a spanish cong.
I think hot chicks would only compound the problem.
Accept the appointment and just don't be a responsible MS. If it's not convenient for you to out and out DA yourself or even fade, then don't (yet). By all means, though, get that degree even if you cannot handle the MS responsibilities. You know where your priorities are. You can make your excuses after the fact.
Dave -
A Paduan
As LittleToe wrote - don't wait to be confronted - tell your dad beforehand that
- a degree is important for respected employment in society
- higher education is a way of promoting jws as being respected normal progressive independent decent folk
- you really need to do a proper job of doing a degree
- a degree is a waste of money and time if you don't do it right
- a degree is only a short term goal, but a seriously demanding one
- you want to be able to provide for them, or perhaps a family etc (are they wealthy ? If not include the "looking after them later" idea)
Get what YOU need to be no slave to anyone - not the jws, not your dad or the financial hammer of society.
Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit
If you ever had any doubts about your doubts about the religion, this situation will solidify your concerns. Meaning: When you decline in advance, your dad and others who love you will tell you and try to make you believe that you have a spiritual problem, that you must be deficient in some way, that you don't appreciate spiritual things, or worse, that you're trying to take away their joy of seeing you appointed. And we're here to tell you that it's just not true. Even if you decide to remain and have a long happy existence as a Hoho, according to the Bible you can still be a friend of God without having a title.
Kudos on aiming for your degree!!