I wouldn't bring the UN thing up either, your Dad has possibly dealt with this before or at least received the official 'library card' line from Brooklyn.
I got wind that I was to be appointed as an elder shortly after one C.O's visit. As soon as I heard I went round to our Presiding Overseer and told him that if what I'd heard was true that I'd prefer not to be appointed. He was not happy - perhaps he didn't want to explain this to the society, I don't know.
My genuine reasons were that I had two sons aged 7 and 8 and a 1 year old baby girl and I did not want to be one of those fathers who missed out on all their growing up and dumped all the responsiblity and hard work on my young wife. No way would I attend elders meetings until late in the evening while my wife was struggling with three young kids at home on her own.
The P.O said that other brothers had managed it and that my outlook might be considered unappreciative. Jerk.