As a single mom of 6, I took every parenting class I could get my hands on. I was raised in a strict JW family where corporal punishment was the norm. I had to learn to parent my kids.
My 1st child is in UBC in her 2nd year taking her BSN (Bachelors of Science in Nursing). She also works at Save-On-Foods (for you fellow BC people) and rents my basement suite with some friends of hers. My 2nd daughter will be 18 in January and is in grade 12 and working at Zellers (for you fellow canucks out there) and is a honour student. My 3rd daughter works at Save-On-Foods also, 15, and an honour student. My son is 14, has been getting up EVERY morning for the past 6 years to deliver papers. He's also an honour student. My 5th (13 years old) and 6th (9 years old) are still works in progress.
I think the best thing I did was be consistent and not be afraid to discipline. By discipline I mean setting consequences and letting them learn from their own mistakes. I've not been one to physically discipline my children. I think it's ineffective.
My parenting "bibles" are Jane Nelson's book "Positive Parenting" and (I can't remember the author) "Raising Self Reliant Children in a Self Indulgent World."
Getting them out of JW's was a beneficial move. In spite of leaving they are not immoral and not on drugs, as many in the hall predicted would happen to my kids if I left. My kids thank me for leaving. Have a sense of humor. Don't sweat the small stuff. Don't be afraid to say "no." People before things...Those are my recommendations.