I have depressingly frequent dreams of being back in the Borg. I am out on the work thinking why am I here I don't do this anymore. I am in kingdom halls with my mag - underlined!! It is not so bad if the dream goes lucid and I can tell them what I think (such fun) but generally it is a right nightmare. Anyone else have the same type of dreams
Do you dream you are back in the Borg?
by uriah 41 Replies latest jw experiences
I did when I first left, but not anymore. How long have you been out? It's just over a year since I da'd.
That wouldn't be a dream, it would be a nightmare !
I often would shout out in my sleep, usually I had been arguing with an elder or two.
All the time, and ive been left 9 years. My dad has em and hes been left 18 years.
In fact I had one last night. I dreamed I was at my ex BIL's house and all of a sudden it transpired he was having a watchtower pre study party. He offered me a choice of 2 watchtowers cos i didnt have mine, and it was clear I didnt have a clue which one was being studied on Sunday.
I picked one and pretended to read it and underlined ramdom sentences. My BIL was looking over my shoulder and noting that I really wasnt underlining properly, but I didnt want to force a condfrontation by telling him I didnt believe it anymore.
Usually I dream I am out on field service, but dont want to be there.
All the time, and ive been left 9 years.
Aww katie, I'd almost not want to sleep if that was happening to me.
Do you think it's because you had nothing but the wts and their teachings for the first 75% of your life? Neither me nor Trev were brought up in the org, and he didn't dream of being back at the kh for long after he'd left either, but a friend of ours who had nothing else for most of her life still has a lot of flashbacks. Maybe it's unique to those who were brought up in it.
Fullofdoubt, I have been out nearly 6 years or so. I am often on the FM with an elder and can't understand why I am there and why I have a bookbag full of mags.
Strangely enough, I don't. I did disturb me to find a tract shoved into our door for all to see from the street. Why not put up a sign on the door, "No one home here, burglars."
Blondie (that's no dream, that's a nightmare)
I had several after hubby (JW) passed away.
I was myself as I am now in the dream ( Not a JW) and wondered what the heck I was doing there. Everyone was ignoring me..
But strangely enough I was happy in the dream because I knew they no longer had a hold on me.
The next thing I ask myself is..if they no longer have a hold on me why did I dream of being with them?
Maybe because I miss hubby and thought I would find him there?
Dreams are strange..you can never figure out what they mean ..
I've had bear attack dreams for years but nothing as depressing as JW dreams..
Once in awhile I have a dream about being in a crowded car on the way to an assembly......the car is full of my relatives and I feel trapped and panicked about being locked in for the day. The entire time in my own head I'm thinking...but I'm out , but I'm out, why am I here?
When we arrive I am opening door after door in a weird house trying to escape. Down through basements and up through haunted attics meandering through hall ways and back down again. After getting numerous doors open I finally reach the outside in a dark back alley and I am alone and frightened but can breathe.
I don't think this dream needs interpreting.