Do you dream you are back in the Borg?

by uriah 41 Replies latest jw experiences

  • uriah

    Thanks for your replies. It is interesting to note that the dreams related are always negative. No one has said what a great time they were having. Does anyone have lucid dreams - you know, when you know you are dreaming and have a measure of control. It always facinates me that all the characters have different characteristics and personalities, yet your mind fabricates them all in your mind yet you cannot control them.

  • hambeak

    I haven't had many dreams of being is fs or at the hall but I have had dreams of being killed by a warrior angel

  • Medic!?

    Wow! I thought I was the only one!

    My dreams always involve one of the assemblies, whether it be in Grantville at the Circuit Assembly or in Philadelphia sweating my ass off at the District ASSembly. But for some reason it meshes all of my friends and family all into one. I've been out for 7 years, but this happens at least once a month. I guess some of it has to do with my folks not being able to decide if I'm disowned or family from one week to the next.

  • orbison11

    just last night, i had a terrible nightmare about being in the kingdom hall,,couldnt find my way out, couldnt find my car (small parking lot too:)

    then two bums came out from behind the hall with a beer bottle in their hands---where did that come from lol

    the trigger, i called my best friend from the hall a few days ago, i had not talked with her in 10 years, and she said she loved me,,,she also tried to witness to me,,lol like i am ever going to set foot in the hall again,,nada,,never, no, not


  • geevee

    Sounds crazy, but my wife and I have these same types of dreams too. It feels wrong that you are there, you know you dont want to be there, and thankfully you wake and it was a dream/nightmare.
    Worst is when you find yourself humming a "kingdumb" that freaks me out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • ozziepost
    I have depressingly frequent dreams of being back in the Borg.

    That's not a dream, it's a nightmare!

  • ozziepost


    Worst is when you find yourself humming a "kingdumb" that freaks me out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i know what you mean; I've largely replaced them with other songs so that only rarely do I remember a kingdumb song. There's plenty of good songs, christian too, out there.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I have had a few dreams involving the 'friends' - but none in which I was seated in the KH - thank goodness for that.

    The other night I dreamed I was 'sneaking' through a parklike area with water gardens etc. Suddenly I realized I was actually in one of the 'elder's' home - that kinda fits since this guy always loved flowers and plants - though he is a real a**hole otherwise - I saw him sitting on a couch, and tried to sneak on out before he saw me -

    Have no idea what that one meant - but it left me feeling guilty and dirty - I should have taken a leak in the rodeys -


  • Crumpet

    I had one last night - although its not a regular thing with me - in fact the reverse - a rarity.

    I was at the hall at the end of a row with my sisters and parents sat beside me. I put my hand up to answer during the watchtower and when the mic came I stood up and held onto it - I turned to my parents and said "you arent going to like what I am about to say, but you have to hear it however uncomfortable the truth - the real truth really is." and then I denounced the whole religion as a vile hoax, that any religion that commands disowning their children as a policy can only be from the devil, but that I was sure neother God nor Devil existed.

    Everyone was shouting and wailing and I just looked at them all and started hystericvally laughing and marched off to the back of the hall where some of my closest friends were waiting for me and one of them had my baby (I dont have any children) in a push chair - she was called Asia Minor and I kissed her little button nose and promised her loudly for all to hear that she would never suffer the indignities, the loss, the pain, the desperation that I had experienced as a result of a wicked organisation which misled the guillible and the weak and the needy into behaving inhumanly.

  • mrsjones5

    When I do dream I'm back in the madness my parents are always in it. The worst ones are about being trapped on the inside and knowing that it's all crap.

    I'd rather dream about monsters.

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