Elders run from WT publications

by Honesty 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Honesty

    In regards to my previous thread:


    I went with a friend to a Bible Study this morning. Two Watchtower Society elders were present when we arrived at another friend's home. I took the liberty of quoting our own dear Emma because she hit it pretty well on the head.

    Emma said:
    I think they''ll refuse to engage in any discussion even if they lose their "new sheep." They're taught to turn tail and run from apostates which you'll be from your first question. At least your friend will be free! The borg makes them so terrified of anything other than their own dope that witnesses literally can't listen.

    It didn't get past my first question which they ignored. My friend, Tony went in the room first and you could feel the warmth emanating from the elders... until my ugly face appeared. I only knew one of them and he just stared at me. The one I didn't know offered his hand which I shook. I said, "Hello, Doug." to the one I know. His response, "Didn't you used to be married to Agnes?", to which I replied in the affirmative. I started unpacking the two breifcases I had with me, all filled with ONLY Watchtower Society literature. Both elders looked on in dismay with their lower lips brushing their kneecaps..

    When I had the WTBTS literature on the table, I turned to the group of 5 men (2 WTS elders and 3 Christians) and said, "I know we all here are interested in TRUTH and that's why I brought Watchtower Society publications."

    Doug immediately jumped up and ran towards the front door. Our host, Joe asked him, "What's wrong, Doug?" to which Doug replied, "He's what is wrong. I will not come again if He is here."

    I said, "Wouldn't you like to examine the 'Harp of God' and 'Babylon the Great Has Fallen'?"

    Doug said, "I can't believe you have done this to us." and ran out the door leaving elder # 2 to shrug his shoulders and then say, "Goodbye" and then he left too.

    We went on to have a lively Bible study WITHOUT the Society's literature for about 3 hours.

    As we were leaving both Joe and Tony said that they had never seen JW's act the way Doug did. I told them I was sorry and they said that I was respectful, calm and friendly to the 2 WT elders and that they had just witnessed LACK of LOVE in ACTION by their behavior. They both then said that there is no way that the WTBTS could be anywhere close to Christian.

    I've been invited back next Saturday and Joe said he is going to invite the 2 WT elders back again, too.

  • crazyblondeb

    Sounds like you had fun! They got what they deserved!! Do you really think they'll be back for more??


  • poppers

    Great story. Keep us posted on what happens next week.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Good work Honesty.

    Apart from the internet, their greatest enemy is their own older publications, which if used correctly can easily demonstrate what a man - made religion they really are. I'm not surprised they ran for it when you produced those two books. Maybe next week, you can take the Finished Mystery, and discuss what the leviathan from Job is with them. It will be good for a laugh, at least.


  • Scully

    Doug immediately jumped up and ran towards the front door. Our host, Joe asked him, "What's wrong, Doug?" to which Doug replied, "He's what is wrong. I will not come again if He is here."

    I said, "Wouldn't you like to examine the 'Harp of God' and 'Babylon the Great Has Fallen'?"

    Doug said, "I can't believe you have done this to us." and ran out the door leaving elder # 2 to shrug his shoulders and then say, "Goodbye" and then he left too.

    Tweedle-dee can't function without Tweedle-dum by the looks of it.

  • Will Power
    Will Power

    That reminds me of the meeting I (UBM) had with an elder. He was there with 1 long time publisher (MIL) and potentially new convert (My Husband) This elder is supposed to be the "the best" ! most respected etc. Things were plugging along until the INSTANT I got out the "Stay Alive til 75" article to read from prefacing with the comment that there is so much printed stuff out there AGAINST their religion - that I wanted to make sure I was only reading and studying OFFICIAL WT MATERIAL. My question was about shunning. If in 1974 a JW refused to push that date as the "good news" and was df'd over it - lost his family, friends, possibly business too - came close to being suicidal etc - all not so unfamiliar to many on this board - if in 1976, or soon after when it was decided that maybe the world didn't end, would they go find this person and re-unite their family, put their life back together? Would they feel any responsibility? He danced a bit, then stood up and ended the visit conveying the idea "the organization is more important than the truth". MIL smiling properly follows him out. Right after that I was deemed a spiritual danger and to be slept with using extreme caution. MIL had to move out of province. :-( Didn't know anything about cults back then BUT I DO NOW!!! CULTS SUCK !!!

  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    good work Honesty; all you have to do is show up with some wt books and they run. once they can't control the study they panic . and they are scared shit of even thier own books. it works every time. john

  • moshe

    Those JW's normally like the 2 to 1 ratio at their indoctrination studies.Your 3 to 2 ratio was not to their liking! It's too bad their chairs weren't designed to prevent them from leaving before the one hour was up. You had some good medicine ready for them, Honesty.


  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    i was right on your last thread about this. you needed to tie them to a chair . for at least one hour. and moshe, seems to have the hardware. have to love that box on the head. lol john

  • ballistic

    We have the power! They just have a stupid Watchtower.

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